Thursday May 14th 2015

296 11 3

안녕하세요 journal !

Mum is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :D !

I'm so glad she and Kwan are here! Even though, I must admit, the day didn't start so well. Especially because of me, to be honest :3

I was so nervous at the idea of not waking up early enough, when I actually woke up, everyone was still sleeping and I saw that it was 6 am. So I fell asleep again, certain that I would only sleep for a few more minutes. When I woke up again, it was 10:30 D: !!! I deactivated my alarm clock when I checked the time (f¤c#!ng digital screen, so slippery ><)! Suddenly, it felt like hours were minutes and minutes were seconds! I trumpeted throughout the living-room for everybody to wake up and started running in all directions. There was so much to do O_O! Brush my hair, do the dishes, tidy up the living-room, clean the kitchen, clean the windows, vacuum everywhere, have everyone take a bath (not as easy as it sounds ><)...

At first, the boys were not so glad to be woken up so abruptly and so early in the morning (please define "early" GD -_-). Some of them even went back to sleep. Thank God Taeyang helped me to make everybody "GET UP" as he lifted them all one by one like feathers and made them stand up before I shoved dust rags and cleaning products in their hands. At first, they tried to grumble and whine but as I ran everywhere and shouted orders in the face of those who just stood there yawning, their mouths instantly closed, their eyes snapped open and they all started running everywhere as well. 30 minutes and a quasi-heart attack later, everything and everybody was nice and clean, waiting quietly in the living room. When I received a message that Kwan and Mum would be about an hour late because of the traffic, since I had put them on speaker, I hung up and, without a word, took my purse to go to the grocery store with my head bowed, ignoring as much as I could the collective glares towards me. Not my fault, guys ><

When Mum and Kwan arrived, lunch was ready. Mum and I hugged. It was so weird to see her after all this time; I felt like I hadn't seen her in decades! She had a little more wrinkles around her eyes than before but she was also slimmer and dressed in a more Asian style. It felt good to smell her scent of cheap perfume when I hugged her. It was the same as before. As for Kwan, he hadn't changed much. But to be honest, I never really paid attention to his appearance. He was still bald with grey hair on the sides, still a little stunted and still shorter than me with an awkward nervous smile on his face. Although I used to despise him, it felt good to see him too.

The introduction of the boys to them both and vice-versa was a little more difficult since I realized I hadn't taught the boys how to introduce themselves the western way. However, my mum politely bowed at them and greeted them in perfectly fluent Korean. Seriously, am I the only one in the universe who doesn't speak that darn language properly T_T ?

I hesitated to introduce them by their "normal" names but when I glanced at the living-room, I knew there was no way I could find a rational explanation about how five "normal" boys could have done that to my mum's boyfriend's home. When he saw the damages and how empty his living-room suddenly was, I thought Kwan was going to have a stroke as his mouth opened wide like a fish's and he grabbed my mum's arm to steady himself! When Mum asked me to tell her what happened, I couldn't lie facing her worried piercing eyes and her loud clear voice in spite of the fact that she was smaller than me (1,51 meters -_-). I blushed like a little girl and confessed that the boys did it. Kwan's wide eyes darkened and he glared at my mum before talking to her really fast and angrily in Korean as she tried to calm him down (judging by the gestures of her hands and her quiet yet firm tone. I could not understand a word she was saying ><).

To my surprise, Taeyang abruptly prostrated himself at their feet and deeply apologized for the damages in "ahjussi" and "ahjumma's" home and that he was the only to blame because he fought with the boys. He added that he started the fight so I was in no way responsible and that, since he could neither pay the window nor any of the furniture back with money, he'd do whatever it takes to pay his debt to them in the future, even if it meant paying it with his life.

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