Chapter 30: Final Chapter

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A/n: The photo above is Danny! He's super cute in my opinion :))
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I've decided to end this book and make a sequel that's going to be very different. New characters, in their future, things like that. A clue about it: Taylor, Matt, and Forest's band Pale Moon.


(Taylor's POV)

About two months later, my leg was finally out of the cast. Now all I had to do was where a brace that was much easier to live with. I could take it off when I showered or when I got dressed.
Life was improving. Riley stopped reaching out to me, but occasionally asked how I was doing health-wise and if there was anything he could do to help. Forest was being the best boyfriend ever, as usual. Jewel and Matt hadn't become an item yet, although there were obvious sparks between them. She was still trying to heal from the break up with Danny.
Speaking of him, he and Riley were spending a lot of time together since they were both still hurting from breakups. From what I know, Jewel dumping him was tearing him to shreds I hadn't realized how much he loved her. I knew the pain would eventually pass though. As they say, time heals all wounds.

The band rehearsals were starting up again and I couldn't be happier! I had written over twenty songs after feeling inspired by the mess my life has been lately. I'm not going to lie, some songs were intense. Forest's voice would suit them perfectly, and I couldn't wait to bang my heart out on the drums.
I got ready for the day and smiled as I looked into the mirror. Saturday's were always nice. I felt fully rested and ready for practice.
"Taylor! Matt is down here waiting! Hurry up sweetheart!" My mom called.
I put my leg brace on as fast as I could and limped downstairs. "Hey! The legs looking good!" Matt said after hugging me.

"Thanks. It feels a lot better than two days ago. It's healing so fast now!"

"Be back by nine Taylor, okay? Have fun and tell Forest I said hi." My mom smiled.

"Okay, mom. Love you." I said kissing her goodbye on the cheek. Normally I didn't have a specific time to be home, but ever since the accident she's been more strict, and I totally understand.
Matt closed the door behind us and opened the door for me. After getting in, he shut the door and got into the drivers seat.

"So how are you?" I asked.

"Good! I'm so excited to practice your new songs." He smiled.

"Same! It's going to kick ass."

"Imagine if we actually became some rad indie band and made an actual album."

"It's not impossible!" I said with excitement.

"It's such a relief from school, you know? To just let everything go and get lost in the music." Matt said.

"There's nothing like it." I said closing my eyes, anxious to bang away on my drums.

We arrived to Forest's house. When the door opened, I saw my attractive boyfriend smiling at me with glowing eyes. He ran to give me a big hug, then picked me up bridal style since it was still a bit of a struggle for me to walk. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You two are disgusting." Matt joked.

"Jewel's already in the garage." Forest said as we all walked in. I hugged Ms. Davidson and answered all of her questions about my recovery. She offered to make us sandwiches, so we agreed of course.

Jewel came out of the garage and ran over to me. "Hey! How are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that question!" I said.

"Fine, you know I'm over the whole Danny drama. That's old news."

Forest gave Matt a stare while smirking. "I wonder who the new news is going to be."

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