Chapter 16: Locking Lips with Someone Else

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A couple weeks had passed. Forest broke up with Jewl and I spent a whole day with her. We did each other's nails and girly things like that. It was a lot of fun!

I noticed Riley hadn't been talking to me as much. He wasn't making as much time to walk me to my classes, and his texting was more limited than usual, but I didn't mind. It's been rough at school right now. Finals are coming up and everyone's stressed out. I'm not too worried, because I make okay grades and I know the material. And Riley... Eh you know, he gets by with C's. I decided to text him first, which I don't usually do.

Me: hey :)

10 minutes later, he answered.

Riley: oh hey

Me: what's up?

Riley: oh you know the usual

Me: everything okay?

Riley: yeah! I'm just tired. My dad's been on my back lately.

Me: oh. That sucks. Well wanna hang out later?

Riley: can't. Sorry. Gtg.

Do you see what I mean!?! He's acting weird! No smiley faces, or hardly any emotion. I decided to ignore it. After doodling for half an hour, Danny texted me. I was kinda surprised, because we don't talk that much.

Danny: hey Taylor!

Me: haiiii Danny

Danny: how are things?

Me: things are fine....why do you ask?

Danny: Well....

Me: okay, what do you want?

Danny: what makes you think I want something?!

Me: well do you?

Danny: ...yes.

Me: haha spit it out

Danny: call me. It'll be easier.

I called him. "Hey, what is it?"

"Okay...well...I like your friend."



"Since when?!"

"I don't know, I just noticed her, and realized I have classes with her. We've only talked a few times but I can't stop thinking about her. Will you help me out?! Please?"

"Aww! That's so cute! But she just got her heart broken so you'll have to be freaking good to her, do you hear me pretty boy?" I said as if I were a teacher talking to a student.

"Yes ma'm. Wait- so you think my face is pretty?"

I could feel his smile through the phone.

"Shut up, no. So how can I help?"

"Well you're her best friend! Can you hook us up or something?"

"Ughhh fine. Bye."

"Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, yeah."

I texted Jewl about him and how they should go out sometime just to hang and learn more about eachother. She agreed, thank God.

Me: you, Jewl, tomorrow night at the pizza place- 6:00.


Me: haha sure:)

I felt a warm tummy feeling of doing a good thing. Danny does seem like a good match with Jewl the more I think about it. They'd be a perfect couple. I glance at my laptop and immediately get the idea of checking my Facebook out of my head. If I did, I'd just be setting myself up for sadness.

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