Chapter 26: An Awakening

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(Forest's POV)

It's been two days and Taylor still hasn't woken up. Every moment of everyday I get more worried and anxious. I've been going to the hospital twice a day to get updates. They haven't let me go see her yet, which angers me. I woke up about thirty minutes earlier than usual to go check on her before school. As I drove I sang along to the music playing from the radio and tried to calm myself down. If anything good came from this whole situation, it's that I realized how lucky I am to have her even be here on Earth. Even just her presence, and knowing she's here; I took that for granted. All those times she'd wait for me outside of a classroom, just so she could walk with me for an extra minute, when she constantly wanted to hang out anytime possible; I didn't realize how much that all meant. Now that it's gone, life just isn't that same. Even though it's only been a week, it feels like it's been months without seeing or speaking to her. As I walked in to the hospital, a cold breeze went through me. I've always hated hospitals. Everything's too white, clean, and cold. Plus, I leave smelling like the place. "Taylor Greene- Room 207" The lady at the front desk searched her computer for a minute then finally spoke.

"Okay, you can go." She said handing me a pass. A glimmer of hope rose within me.

"Wait, what? I can go see her?"

"Yes. She's still in a coma , but she's available for visits."

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" I said running down the long hall. Maybe she'll wake up. Just maybe. I went up three floors then down the busy hallway of doctors, nurses, and medical equipment. I walked into the room marked with her name and number. She was connected to tubes and had a cast on her leg. She looked so helpless and weak. Even her body looked skinnier and more frail. That makes sense, since she's unable to actually eat. I sat down on the very edge of the bed beside her. She looked so peaceful. I heard somewhere that when people are in a coma, they can still hear what you're saying. There was nobody around, so I went for it.

"Hey Taylor." I grinned and lightly grabbed her small hand. "It's Forest- your totally awesome boyfriend. Just kidding, I'm not that awesome. Anyways, I just want you to know that I'm going to be right here when you wake up. You're so beautiful, even with all this tube junk. Oh yeah, I realized something. Now that you've been away for about a week, things just aren't the same. I miss you at school, band rehersals, everywhere. Matt and I have been a complete mess. We can hardly write one decent song. You'd be laughing hysterically if you saw the lyrics I've been writing. How do you make it seem so easy? You just effortlessly make words flow together like it's nothing."

I sat there awhile, wishing she could respond to what I said. Without even thinking, I started singing the love song Taylor wrote. It's one of our calmest songs; it's pretty much a lullaby.

"Just close your eyes

And think of me.

Think all the times we had

Forget the sorrow and the sad

And even though I didn't get to say goodbye,

Remember this lullaby."

Her eyes flickered. My heart jumped. She's waking up! "Taylor? Taylor, it's me!" I said excitingly.She slowly opened her eyes and scanned the room, barley squinting. Her eyes finanlly met mine, and they opened wide.

"Forest? Were you singing?" Her voice was cracky.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're awake. I missed you so much." I lightly hugged her, which was really difficult to do.

"What's happened? I'm so confused." She asked.

"Well you remember the wreck, right?"


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