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Taylor: Taylor and Forest are still an item. They went to junior and senior prom together (Taylor wore a beautiful blue gown) and they've had a few bumps in their relationship now that Pale Moon is a huge band known all around the world. Many female fans and girls hit on him daily, causing Taylor to get jealous, but she knows he only has eyes for her. Taylor still continues writing poems and entries into a journal, but had to buy a new one after filling the old one up cover to cover. Taylor attends college for a semester, but drops out to pursue music with Forest and Matt. 

Forest: Forest becomes the new heartthrob in every teen magazine possible once Pale Moon blows up. From magazine covers, to interviews, and selling out arenas, everyone knows him as the attractive, hot singer who's dating the beautiful Taylor. Throughout their fame, they get titled as the cutest celebrity couple around. Forest finds fame overwhelming, but with the help of his friends and family, gets through it. Thousands of screaming fans asking for a photo and autograph isn't exactly a calming experience! He never ends up going to college because of the bands success. 

Matt: Matt overcomes his eating disorder within three months. He's much happier now, especially being in a relationship with Jewel. They've had many arguments being they're so different, but they always make up because of how strong their love is. They even deal with distance, since Jewel is attending college. Matt handles fame the worse out of the three. Now that all eyes are on him, he experiences anxiety here and there. Although he faces these struggles, he doesn't let it stop him from enjoying every moment of life. After sharing his eating disorder story with the public, many fans and people admire him. He soon becomes a huge inspiration to other teens all around the world.

Jewel: Jewel is happily in a relationship with Matt, and is attending college in California. She majors in design and english in hopes of landing an amazing job. She's not exactly sure on what she wants to do, but she believes having a degree is a guaranteed spot to getting a job that she'll enjoy. Sometimes she'll get weeks off to go tour with the band and spend time with Matt, Forest, and Taylor. At college she's made amazing friends that keep her company. She's constantly bragging about Pale Moon and promoting their latest album or single all around campus. Many students freak out when she tells them that Matt is her boyfriend and that she's best friends with them all. They also attempt to get free concert tickets or ask if they can meet the band, which led her to not telling as many people in fear of them using her to get to them. 

Riley: Riley has a rough following year after the accident. He tries to be as positive as possible, but sometimes nothing seems to help. He ends up focusing on school and getting a flawless report card. Learning and working distracted him. He got a scholarship to Yale and plays on their football team, The Bulldogs. Riley stays clear of a relationship throughout the rest of high school and two years of college, but he was still asked out by nearly every girl in the university. Seeing Taylor and Forest on the cover of every magazine cover possible didn't help the process of getting over her. He even shows up to a concert one night just to see them perform, but doesn't talk to them afterwards.  Eventually, he falls in love with his best friend and gets married at the age of twenty three.Her name is Amanda, and she is loving, kind, understanding, and loves Riley with all of her heart. They met in a math class when Riley needed to borrow a pencil. Amanda was very distant at first, and made it clear that she wasn't looking for a relationship either. They soon did everything together. Riley told her the tale of him and Taylor, including the wreck. After slowly and accidentally falling in love, the two decided to take a chance. Riley realized Taylor wasn't the one, but he will always care about her. He was finally not afraid to love again.  By the time he's twenty six, him and Amanda have two little kids, and they end up becoming wonderful parents. Riley knew that man he met in the hospital that one day was right. 

Jessica: After the whole school realizes how terrible Jessica really is, she becomes strongly disliked. She attempts to straighten things out with Taylor, I'm hopes of gaining a better reputation, but Taylor refused to talk to her. By senior year, things turn out better for her after making some new friends and transforming to a better, nicer person. She never attends college but she tries out modeling which actually works out. Being a size two and having perfect, bleached, blonde hair was definitely part of why she landed most modeling jobs. 

Sam: His music store flourishes. Pale Moon become their sponsors which helps tremendously. Taylor calls him her big brother and is forever thankful for him teaching her the drums. She wouldn't be where she is now if it weren't for him. He lives a peaceful, happy life and never gets married. 

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