Chapter 23: Why is Riley at my Door?

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The next two days were boring. TV, food, YouTube, seeing family again, a few rehearsals with Forest and Matt- nothing crazy. I decided to sketch while listening to music on my bed. The warm sun shined through my curtains giving my room a natural glow. Today felt right, like something good was going to happen. There's still four days left of winter break, which I am over the moon about. Life is so much easier without high school. if only it could be like this all the time. Forest texted me.

Forest: good afternoon :)

Me: it is, isn't it? What's up?

Forest: I'm over at my cousins. I haven't seen them in forever!

Me: that's good! I'll leave ya to it then. Talk to you later

Forest: I love you <3

Me: love you more <3

Forest: nah <3

Me: Talk to your family and out down your phone man!

Forest: okay, okay

I giggled as I went back to my sketching. My foot tapped to the beat of a Bastille song. My mom came in and kissed my goodbye before going off to work. I had the whole day to chill.

Many hours of not doing anything physical later, I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped at the sound, not expecting anyone. I quietly walked down the stairs incase it was a person who wanted a survey or something. I peeped through the whole and saw the one and only, Riley Harrison.

A million thoughts traced through my brain. Why is he here? Why wouldn't he ask first? Should I open it? Without making up my mind, I felt my hand turning the knob of the door. Riley stood there looking attractive as ever -not that I noticed. "Hey," he said casually. "Can we talk?"

"I guess." I let him inside. As he walked past me, I smelt his familiar scent that I always loved. Sweet, yet spicy; Whatever fancy guy cologne smells like.

" have you been?" He asked.

"Alright. My arm finally is looking better." I said bitterly.

"Your arm? What happened to it?"

I rolled up my sleeve and stuck my arm out, reveling the now less visible nail marks he so nicely left earlier this week. "You happened."

"Wait, is that from me?"

I nodded.

"Oh my gosh, Taylor, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you at all."

"Well you did. You got a freakin' strong grip."

"Yep...I've been told." He looked down.

"So why'd you come?" I asked. I suddenly became aware that I was in pajamas still, but I didn't really care.

"I came to sort things out again. This time to try to be at least friends. I might not be able to date you, but I can't go without having any connection to you. I just hope you're willing to try..."

I took comfort in knowing he wants to remain friends, but I can't help but feel awkward about the whole situation. How can we possibly be friends? After what he did? It just seems wrong. "I don't know Ri-"

"Please? Just try." He cut me off.

I took a deep sigh. "Fine. But it's going to take a while for it to be like old times."

"Oh yeah, I know. I'm just glad to start somewhere" he said with a small smile. I couldn't help but smile back. That same annoying feeling came when he smiled. I pushed it away though. I ran upstairs and he followed. I plopped onto my bed and he sat at my desk.

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