Chapter 8: Old Times, New Feelings

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After about 30 minutes, Riley left. I could still feel his lips on mine.

I called Forest back, remembering he wanted to go eat. I made up my mind, Riley's totally the one I want to be with. How could I turn him down? He's too perfect, at least from what i know so far. Plus, he likes me for me.

"Hey!" I said happily over the phone.

"Hey, you wanna go eat at Chick-fil-a? Like old times." Forest asked.

We used to go there all the time together. It was one of our favorite hang out spots since it was close to our middle school. We would have so much fun. I loved how we would always just go there, talk, complain, and it felt like no matter what happened, we thought that would never change...but it did. I'm glad he wanted to start going again. "Yes!" I said excitingly.

"Okay, I'll pick you up in a little bit. See ya." I could tell he was smiling on the other side of the phone line. I hung up and sat down and finished up some homework. Ugh. Math, please do me a favor and find your X. I don't know Y she left you, but seriously, solve your own problems.

I heard a knock at the door. I ran downstairs, put on a jacket, and grabbed my bag. "Hey!" I said hugging Forest. Hugging him didn't give me butterflies, it made me feel safe and almost as if I were little again.

"Hi," he smiled. "I finally got my license!"

"Really? Oh my gosh that's awesome! We won't die right?" I joked.

"Eh." he said seriously. "Let's just say I nearly passed..."

"Let's go." I laughed.

He blasted the radio super high on 96.1, the most poplar station in my town. We yelled the lyrics to Radioactive together. "I FEEL IT IN MY BONES, ENOUGH TO MAKE MY SYSTEMS BLOW"

He rolled the windows down as my hair started flying around like a startled flock of birds.

Once we arrived, Forest ordered. "Two number ones with waffle fries and two sweet teas."

He already knew what I wanted of course. We sat down at a booth. His blue eyes looked into mine for a long period of time, and I started to feel awkward because he wasn't talking. "What?"

"Nothing," he smirked, "Just lookin' at ya"

"Yeah, I see that," I said moving my eyebrows up.

He continued to stare at me.

"Forest, talk, like a normal person." I said snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"I'm sorry. You just look so pretty"

I swear he needs to stop being cute, nice, cute and cute...and stop lookin at me with those piercing eyes.

"Thanks.." I said with hardy any emotion. This is so awkward.


Great, just the topic I wanted to avoid.

"What about him?" I said casually.

"Taylor, this is me you're talking to. Your best friend! Forest! I'm the same guy I was in middle school, just be honest with me."

I nodded my head.

"So are you guys dating?"

"No. Well I don't know really. I guess, but we aren't an item or anything." I said honestly.

"...But you will be soon right?" he asked.

"I don't know! Maybe! All I know is people are giving me a hard time at school. You saw what happened."

"Yeah..You know that wouln't happen if you were with me...or at least not with him."

Oh freaking gosh dang it. Why the heck is he doing this to me. My mind is mentally in pain.

"Forest stop-"

"He's better than me. I can't top him no matter how much I'll always see me as just you're old best friend that ditched you."

"Stop. No, you're both great guys okay? And don't ever think I don't care about you. Because well.. I love you."

His eyes opened up a little, then his face saddened.

"As a brother."

Again, why is he doing this to me?!

"No, I love you as my best friend. Not like a boyfriend right now, but not a brother either."

Forest looked down at the table. ORDER FOR FOREST. Food. Finally.

He returned with the food. "Look can we just talk about something else?"

"Yeah." he said quietly.

"'s your dog Milly doing?" I asked sweetly. I loved his dog so much.

"She's good. She's grown a lot since the last time you saw her." he said with hardly any emotion.

"Oh. I'll have to see her sometime."

No reply. I finish my chicken sand witch.

"Look are you going to be mad at me the rest of the day? Because I was really looking forward to just getting back to old times." I confessed.

He hesitated. "I'm not mad at you. I'll just have to suck it up."

Words can't even describe how bad I feel right now. I say something I know I'll regret. "Forest, I kissed him today. If anything goes on between you and I, it's like I'm cheating. And you know I'm not that kind of girl. So please give me a break!"

He nodded. "I will. I'll give you a long break from me. Forget I ever even came back into your freaking life and forget that we ever even kissed!" he yelled as he stormed out of the restaurant, leaving people looking and whispering about us.

All the confusion and emotion built up, and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I began to cry.


Why doesn't he understand? Why would he come back just to leave again? Why would he make me feel like crap? Riley's the one I want to be with. But I still want to be friends with Forest. I'm so mixed up. Life's really getting difficult and weird, I hate it. I don't even know

As I put my pen down my tears leave blotches on the words I just wrote.
I hear the door downstairs open. My moms home from work. I quickly wipe my tears and try to look like I haven't just been hurt. "hey Taylor! Come down here!" My mom called.

I skipped down the stairs happily. "Yeah?"

"How was school sweetie?" She asked just like every other day.

"Alright. I gotta lot of homework so.. Talk to you later!" I said running back upstairs. I couldn't tell my mom what happened. And I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

I decided to totally wipe Forest out of my head and just focus on other things. I started my art project and put on some music. It was pretty relaxing and I was already starting to feel my happiness coming back.


Well there's that chapter! Hoped you guys liked it. I spent forever on it because I got stuck a few times

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Comment who you think Taylor should be with ;)

I personally don't know.


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