Chapter 22: Christmas

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Hey guys:))) I decided this book will end soon, but I'm going to write a sequel! No details yet, but I'm planning it out. They'll be new characters, drama, and all sorts of crazy stuff. Anyways, hope you guys like my story, love you all! :*


Christmas Day finally came. The day went like any other year, except Forest was with me, which made it the best Christmas ever. We decided not to get each other gifts yesterday, but what does he do? Get me a present. He gave me a guitar pick necklace that was black. For his jerk-yet-romantic move, I didn't thank him.

My family was pretty cool around him, but my grandma asked him questions until there was nothing left to know. It was pretty embarrassing, but we laughed about it later. Now that Christmas is over, we still have a week of no school! I relaxed and watched TV while snaking on chips and drinking soda. Matt texted me.

Matt: hey! How's it going?

Me: awesome. Junk food and TV all day!

Matt: haha can I join you?

Me: why of course!

Matt: ask Forest to come too

Me: ok

I then texted Forest, who couldn't make it because he was shopping with his mom and couldn't get out of it.

Matt finally arrived. I opened the door and greeted him. He had brought some drinks and chips for himself.

"We're so healthy" I laughed.

"The healthiest."

After watching TV, I turned it off and decided to just chat.

"So how was your Christmas?"

"Great. I got a new synthesizer, we can really experiment with some sounds for our must now!" Matt said with excitement.

"Whoa! Awesome!"

"I know. It'll be groovy." He said moving his eye brows up and down.

"Don't say that. Please."

"Oh...sorry, I just." He scratched his head awkwardly.

"Haha soooo..."


"I was wondering..."

"What do you wonder..?

"I was wondering who the girl is that you like." I smirked.

"Uh, the girl I like?" He asked unsure.

"Yes! Who is it? You have to have a crush on someone."

"Well, I guess there's this one girl-"

"Yeep!" I squealed.

"...and she's really pretty, and talented."

"Yeahh, and?"

"She actually talks to me, unlike most girls. And uh...she's a drummer."

"She's starting to sound familiar..."

"Yeah...she' But don't worry, I don't like-like you, I totally respect you and Forest. I just don't really have any other friends that are who would I like, you know?"

"Aww, Matt. There's someone out there for you, you just have to look sometimes, you know, put yourself out there."

"How though?"

"Well being in a band will help; girls love guys that play instruments."

"Yeah I guess. But I'm just not...attractive."

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