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"Aira! Aira!" My mother screamed as I was dragged out of my house and onto my driveway. I screamed back, terrified at the sight of the men putting an injecting something into my mother and father, making them woozy. I cried, begging for the men to let me go. Begging them for an explanation. But all I got in return was an injection too. They carried my limp body into a van, settling me into a seat. I was too weak, too scared and tired to do anything. So I let the injection of sedative take me down.

I wake up, sitting upright and breathing hard. I look around, realizing I'm still in this blaring white room.

It was just a dream.

Actually, that was real.

That all happened, what, maybe a few days ago? A month? I don't know how long I've been here. All I know is that my parents will find me. They have to find me. It all doesn't make sense, why I'm here. What could I have possibly done? I don't even know where I am, what building this is.

But I don't ask when the men bring in food and water. To be honest, I don't want to fight, don't want to try and get out. It seems weird, really. Usually in movies and books they strive to escape, to get out successfully. But I'm not one of those people at all. Of course I would love to get out of here and be free, but I can't right now.

Because I don't know what's out there. I'm scared to find out what's out there.

Besides, my hands are tied behind my back the whole time, except when I eat. But even then I don't use my element to help me. I could blow the door down, but so could everyone else here. They are older, stronger. I'm small, scared. Scared of escaping and not knowing where to go. Besides, they'll have to explain why I'm here sometime. Maybe it's better to just go with it. There has to be a reason why these men came to my house and took me away. They didn't just choose at random, did they? Maybe I'm not alone, maybe there are others.

I hope there are others. I don't want to be here alone.

But I can't help but realize the camera in the corner of the room. Someone is watching, but it doesn't make sense why. I'm not dangerous, I'm only seventeen. My air power is just as the same as everyone else's.

I sigh, my blonde hair going over my face. I close my eyes, praying my parents will find me. They will they will they will they have to they have to they have to.

Stay calm, Aira.

For some reason I laugh a little. Aira. I can't believe my parents named me that. Well, I can see it. Air element, Aira, it makes sense. Believe it or not, it's a common name with the air elements. I guess my name just proves how normal I am. A typical air element named Aira, who is shy, and is always used by people for my kindness that they see as weakness. I'm used to it by now though. It's just who I am.

I take deep breaths, feeling my pulse slowing to a steady pace. But all of a sudden I wonder if I shouldn't be scared. I wonder if I should fight back.

Because someone else is.

I hear a muffled commotion to my left. The wall shakes for a second, then silence. I put my ear to the wall, trying to see if I hear anyone. I hear footsteps coming over to me, and I see my door opening. I step away from the wall, not wanting them to know that I heard something. Although I don't know what I heard, but it gave me hope that I'm not alone.

"He's still pretty wild, but that's just who he is," I hear a man say before he steps into my room.


Men come in quickly, injecting me with sedative. It's strong, already making my eyelids close. I want to open them again, to see that man and ask him who else is here, who that he is.

Because I'm not alone. And maybe I know who that "he" is. Maybe he can help me escape, and we can go back to our parents, our home.

"Air." Is the only other thing I hear that man say. Strange, why he said our element. Too strange. But I can no longer think. Instead, I dream. I dream of reality, and it scares me.



So, another character, Aira!! Thoughts on her? Please comment and also vote!!!

Thank you!!💙

Next and last character: Earth

The Four - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now