Chapter 10

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"Juris and I just knocked on each door, but we thought if we could get out, you could too." I say, facing Lana and Paytah. They both shoot a glance at each other, their faces filled with question.

"Same." Lana says finally, and Paytah nods. I let it go, although I know something is up with these two. They could've gotten into another fight, but they don't seem hurt. Although Lana's eyes are a little red. Had she been crying? She wouldn't tell anyone if she had been, I know her well enough to know she wouldn't do that. Paytah's face is...emotionless, but even that is still an emotion. His red-orange eyes are unreadable, his jawline tight. His eyes meet mine, and I can't look away at his handsome face. I wonder if he had a girlfriend, or maybe any siblings. He doesn't talk about himself much, not at all actually.

"What now?" Juris spits out, his long lanky arms laying by his side. I look at the long hallway and shrug.

"Find a way out." Paytah says simply, and I manage a smile. Juris and Paytah seem like total opposites. But then again, Lana and I don't have much similarities either. It makes me wonder, how have we been getting along? All different elements, all different personalities.

"Good job, fire boy. Let's head this way." Lana starts to walk, and I shoot a glance at Paytah, who is still holding that plain face. Usually he would get mad at Lana for saying a nickname. Maybe they get along now?

Paytah walks by my side, and I start walking to, right next to him. It's a risky move, but he doesn't seem to mind my small figure next to him. Maybe he can't even see me, he's so tall and built. For some reason, I feel safe next to him. I oddly trust him, mostly because he's been right every time about everything. He on a whole other level then the rest of us it seems, like he's been on his own before.

"Everything she does still makes me pissed," I hear Paytah mumble, and it takes me a second to realize he's talking to me. "But I thought having a fight right now would be a bad time."

I laugh a little, watching as Lana walks confidently. "Good idea." I pause, wanting to talk more. It helps me forget. "You two okay?"

"Yeah." Is all he says. I want to ask him about himself. His life before all of this. I want to tell him about my life. But it's dumb, we are different elements, why do we care about each other?

"Guys." I watch as Juris points ahead. An exit sign.

"Thanks, captain obvious. How can I ever repay you?" Lana says.

"Shut up." Paytah mumbles, walking to the door. He opens it slowly, peeking outside. Then he's out the door, with all of us behind. There's only a few buildings, with mostly just dirt roads and tall grass.

"Ugh, I'm so sick of this." Lana says, looking around. "Why are they trying to change the world? Elements don't need to be together, we are fine without. Why are they trying to change it?"

"Who knows. But I have friends and two brothers to get back to, so let's make this quick." Juris says.

"I've never had a sibling." I say.

"Lucky." Lana sneers, but there's hurt in her eyes. I look at Paytah but he says nothing. All he does is walk away, looking around. I walk around too, into the tall grass. It's the perfect temperature, though I'm sweating like crazy. A shower would be wonderful right now, or just going home. I miss it, I miss my old life. I'm sure all of us do, which is why I know we will all try our hardest to get home. That we can all agree on.

"Help!" I hear a muffled yell behind me. I turn around, walking out of the grass. I see Paytah running, sprinting, ahead. "Help!"

It's Juris.

"Juris!" I yell, running behind Paytah. I see Lana coming from my left, her face focused. Juris is standing there, his hands raised. "Stay back!" He yells, and we all stop a few feet from him.

"What's wrong?" Lana asks. Juris looks nervous, and he looks down at his foot. I peek over, and it's caught in a string. I follow the string, following it up the tree and to something shiny.

A knife.

"Don't move." Lana says.

"No shit," Juris whispers. I've never seen him this scared, for this whole time being taken. He's shaking, looking down at his foot.

"Okay, let's figure this out," Paytah says calmly. "Juris, you're going to duck right away, obviously."

"Aira can blow the knife away, right?" Lana asks.

"What? No, I cant." I say, my heart beating fast. "I don't know if I'm strong en.."

"Aira," Paytah blurts out. I look into his eyes. "You can do it. Lana can use water too, and I'll push Juris over quick. You got this, okay?"

No, I don't Paytah.

I bite my lip, but look at Paytah again. And for some reason, I nod. He nods back, walking up to Juris. "Count of three?"

"Got it." Lana says. Paytah counts, and my body feels numb. When he says three, I lift my hands, close my eyes, and let out as much air as I can. It's quick, I hear Paytah yelling at me to stop. I drop my hands and open my eyes, looking at the mess I created.

The tree is knocked over, the roots still holding on. Juris is fine, he's smiling, actually.

"Holy shit. Aira. You're small but strong," Lana says, and I smile.

"Thanks." Juris sighs. "I would've been dead."

"What a rush." Paytah says, his hand running through his hair. I laugh, for real. Laughing has been rare these days. But right now, I feel..happy. Happy that we are all okay so far. Happy that we all care for each other.

Happy that we all will do anything to get home.



So, it's been a while! School started, so I'm really busy!

But what do you think of this chapter? Of all the elements? PLEASE comment!

Thank you ❤️

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