Chapter 2⃣

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When Robin said we should get together at the tower, he meant today right after we fight off the hive. So you went straight home, dragging your bike. When you got home, you put on a floral corset with matching vans, a baby blue belt with a blue bow on it, and a pink skirt. You kept your bun the same way. But after changing, it turned from nice to messy. You really didn't care though. After getting ready you applied dark makeup and left. First you dragged your bike over to the nearest bike store and bought a new tire and ordered a new paint for it. Then you drove of towards the tower. The paint you bought was the color of the sky with scattered smeared clouds. When you arrived to the tower you stopped to admire the place. "Hello guest. State your name." Looking at the door, there was a sensor. "Uh...Y/N." You say. "Access granted, Y/N the teen titans are excited to greet you. Bring your bike in." The sensor said. You were amazed at the technology. Pushing the bike in with you, there was a bike lot inside. 1 motorcycle and 2 regular bikes, which would soon become 3. Turning, you walked toward the elevator. Once again, a sensor inside. "Hello Y/N. Do you wish to see the teen titans now?" The sensor asked. "Yes." You answer. "This will take a few minutes." the sensor said and closed the doors. As you started to move, the screen changed to Robin. "You there? I never got your name." You look into the camera. "My name is Y/N. Hey Robin." You say with a smile. "You changed your look. I like it. Dark is your color." Robin says. When he said dark is your color, You heard fast running. Raven interrupts the recording. "Who's color is dark?" Raven says excited. Robin points to the camera and Raven pushes Robin out of the way. You laugh. "Ooooh! Dark IS your color! I love it!" Raven says smiling a wide smile. "Wow! I thought you would never smile! Thanks!" You say still laughing. Raven picks Robin up. "Sorry." She says quietly and floats away. Alright you should be arriving soon so I'm going to turn off the camera." Robin says rubbing his fore arm. "Okay." you say smiling. The door opens and you come to see Cyborg and Beast boy wrestling. When they see you, they instantly stop and shake hands. You chuckle. Starfire Floats down. "Greetings, Y/N! Robin is in that direction." She says with a wide smile. You smile back. Walking over you see Robin. He grabs your wrist and runs toward his bedroom door. It slides open. He runs toward the window and jumps out. You gasp. Running toward the window, you look down. He's not there. Something taps your shoulder. Looking up, it is him. "Admit it, you thought I was commiting suicide." He said smirking. You hug his arms and he pulls you up. A sunset appears and you two enjoy it. He scoots closer. You don't notice. But you do notice him trying to put his arm around you though. You lean you head on his shoulder. Finally he puts his arm around you. The rest of the day, you stayed on the roof telling stories and telling each other about each other. Best 'date' thing ever.

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