Chapter 4⃣

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Y/F/A/P = your favorite animal print
Y/N = your name

Slipping into your (Y/F/A/P) shirt and over lapping your shirt with a denim coat, you grab your phone. You get a text from Robin.

Robin: Do you really have to come over?

You: YES! Why?

Robin: UGHH! Fine...but don't flirt with kid flash.

Kid flash. He is another one of the super heros in jump city. Faster than a bullet. You never met him but you were dying to. You put on a pair of light denim colored ripped shorts and slide on flats that match your shirt. Grabbing the closest hat to you, (bad hair day) you leave your apartment. You pedal as fast as you can to the tower and notice Kid Flash's bike in the lot. It's bright yellow with red lightning bolts all over it. You park your bike and hurry to the elevator. "Hello, (Y/N). The titans are excited to see you. Kid Flash is also here to see you." The elevator says. "Okay Ellie!" You say excitedly. The doors open and Starfire is staring into the kitchen. Looking closer, you could almost see her pupils start to turn to hearts. You look into the kitchen and Kid Flash is making a sandwich. He looks at you and winks. Instantly, your smile becomes a frown. "Hi! I'm (Y/N). You must be Kid Flash. Can you tell me where Robin is?" You ask and he nods and pouts to the hallway. You nod back and give an👌sign at him. Walking back to the hallway, you hear moans and freaking out in Robin's room. Entering, he is laying on his bed, his face is buried in his pillow with his arms and legs flailing around. You walk up to his bed and sit down next to him. "Hey. I'm here. I met Kid Flash. He seems cool but kinda weird." You say and Robin rolls over. He sighs. "Hey. Kid Flash will stop bein shy soon and try to flirt like fifty shades of grey." He says smirking. Grabbing your hand he starts running to the door. "HEY! Robin! You didn't say (Y/N) was going to be here! Can I hang with her for a minute?" He asks and grabs your shoulder and pulls you in. You shrug and Robin sighs very loud. "FINE! 5 minutes!" He says and walks away. Kid Flash walks to the couch. "So, (Y/N). You are a girl. I am a guy. We should kiss." He says with a poker face. As for you. You freak out. "Whoa! Whoa! I am NOT interested. I JUST MET YOU! Like literally 3 minutes ago! Okay? We can play a board game but that is IT!" you say and you could tell he got.
Robin's POV
I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAID OKAY! I MEAN I HHHAAAATTTTEEE HIM! HE DID IT TO ME ONCE WITH STARFIRE BUT NOT WITH (Y/N)!!! Okay Robin...calm...calm. Just go up to him and tell him how you feel. Oh! I AM GONNA TELL HIM! Kid FLasH! YoU ArE GOnNa GEt iT!
Normal POV
All if the sudden you hear stomping in the hallway. "KId FLASHH!" You hear Robin scream angrily. "This is the LAST STRAW! FIRST, YOU STEAL STARFIRE FROM ME, THEN MY ALMOST LEADERSHIP OF THE TITANS, THEN MY SANDWICH, NOW THIS?!?!!? NOT THIS TIME! (Y/N) IS MIINNNEEEE!" He screams. "ROBIN!" You scream back. "It's okay. I handled it." You say. Robin looks at Kid Flash then you then Kid Flash again. Robin kisses you on the cheek then puts an arm around you and walks to his room. The rest of the day, you make fun of Kid Flash and LOL all over the place.

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