Chapter 1⃣5⃣

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Waking up never felt better! Though somethig was wrong. You woke up and everything around was white. Walking around, it seemed as if you were floating. "HELLO?!" You scream. Your voice echoes through the paleness of what seemed to be nothing. All of the sudden you notice a bright light heading towards you. "(Y/N), welcome to your afterlife." The light says. The voice sounded soothing yet mad. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I WANT TO GO BACK!" You yell, not knowing if the voice would hear you from so far away. "Would you like to see what would happen if you were still alive?" The voice asked. You nod and you get sucked into a different dimension.

"You are now entering the future. You will see yourself and other people, but they won't see you. The future you, isn't you. Believe me." The light says. It came next to you and floated along side of you. You nod and watch the future self along side of the light.

Robin's POV

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?!?!? WAKE UP! I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID! COME BACK! (Y/N)!!!! (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream shaking (Y/N). So lifeless. So cold. So pale. So...dead. It was all Slade's fault. I set my head on (Y/N)'s stomach. Her heart beats. I gasp then keep to myself. Only the Titans can know about this. After crying into (Y/N)'s shirt for 3 minutes, I sit up and wipe the tears away from my unmasked face. "It's all your fault." I say with a scowl and shaky voice. "I'm sorry Robin but everything you thought was wrong. The Titans being your best friends, your mother being dead from a fire, batman replacing you because he thought you were ready to be a leader...(Y/N)." Slade taunts. "You're LYING TO ME!" Everyone jumps as I scream at Slade, standing up and facing my father.

"I'm not going to lie to my son." Slade says. "THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN ALL OF THIS!" I scream gesturing to everything. "IF YOU'RE TELLING THE TRUTH, TELL ME THE WHOLE THING! TELL ME ABOUT THE TITANS, BATMAN, (Y/N). TELL. ME. EVERYTHING!!!" I scream. My father smiles and sits me down. "Listen, I killed your mother, she didn't die in a fire. Batman gave you up to replace you. The Titans aren't your friends! You really believed that? HA! NO WAY! YOU'RE INSANE!" Slade laughs. Angrily, I keep a straight face and spit out the words I wanted to say. "Because of you. You are driving me insane." Slade shushes me and stops laughing. "(Y/N) never loved you. Ever. She is a skank who used you for many reasons." Slade says. "Name one." I say to him, disgusted. "Being desperate, the fame, money, YOU NAME IT ROBIN!" Slade yells.

Robin's eyes start flowing with tears. "YOU'RE WRONG! YOU WERE NEVER A GOOD FATHER! BATMAN BELIEVED IN ME! THE TITANS ARE MY BEST FRIENDS! (Y/N) LOVES ME! YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS! YOU'RE A LIAR AND A THEIF AND A KILLER AND YOU WILL NEVER BE A FATHER TO ME!" I yell kicking Slade across the room. Picking up (Y/N), I run over to the Titans and hand (Y/N) to Cyborg. "She is still alive. Go to the nearest Hospital and revive her." I say. They nod and run out the door. Slade stands up.

"If (Y/N) were here, she would slap you across the face and kill you. Luckily, I'm here." I say slapping Slade in face, knocking off his mask. Blue, wide eyes like mine. Small mouth and nose. Scar above his left eye and a bruise on his right cheek. He looks just like me.

Cyborg's POV

Holding (Y/N) bridal style, we run to the nearest Hospital in Jump City. As we run, I pick out the blade from her skin and stick it in Beast Boy's hand. "Put that in your pocket!" I yell in a breathy voice to him. He nods and does what he is told. As we get to the Hospital, everyone stares and whispers at us. "We need a doctor stat. Our friend, (Y/N), was stabbed with an end of an arrow." Raven explains. The secretary nods and calls down a doctor and assistants. Immediantly, they run down with a stretcher.

Placing (Y/N) onto the stretcher, they roll her away into a different room.

Your POV

"What's going on? I'm fading!" You say turning to the light. "That's because you're waking up. Have fun defeating Slade!" The light says. You wake up.

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