Chapter 3: Intruder

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[Jinri's POV]

"Shin Yoomi?" I repeated the name. "I did not thought that we share the same family name."

Butler Maru pinched my cheeks. "Silly girl. It's Min Yoongi." He corrected me.

"Ah~ Min Yoongi." I said the name perfectly. "His name sounds rich, too."

He grinned. "This is the family's dining area, Jinri." His hand gestured at the long table and lots of chairs. "The Min family eats here together."

"How many are them in their family to have so many chairs in the dining room?" I asked out of curiousity and tried counting the chairs mentally.

"They're only three, Jinri." He said. "Those other chairs are for visitors and friends." He explained.

I nodded. "Amazing." I mumbled as I followed him to the kitchen.

The kitchen was very spacious, I think I can build another room here. The cooking utensils are placed neatly on their places. The aromatic scent of fresh fruits makes me comfortable.

"This is the kitchen, obviously." He laughed at his own joke. "For sometimes, I cook here Master Yoongi's meals; if he didn't feel to go to restaurant." He carressed the shining tiles of the sink and look at his fingertips to check if there's dust.

"Can I also cook here for my own food?" I asked.

He nodded. "Definitely, Jinri. Can you cook?" He questioned me.

"When the chef in my former workplace is absent, I substitute him. Let's say I know the basics." I told him.

"From this day, I think I've got to taste delicious food, since you're here." He teased.

My face burned in the compliment.

"Well, let's head upstairs to show you your room." He slightly tugged my hand outside the kitchen.

My eyes blinked. "I have a room?" I asked, repeating his statement.

He messed my hair. "You do, silly Jinri. Now let's check out your room." He said.

We climbed the grand staircase, and I promise I mimicked the cruel facial expressions of those arrogant, rich mothers I've seen in TV. Butler Maru noticed that, and he wasn't able to control his laughter as I tried to raise my eyebrow to look terrifying.

"You're so funny." He said as he already controlled his muffles. I grinned sheepishly.

We turn to the left wing of the house and saw that there were so many doors. I kept close to Butler Maru.

"How come you've never get lost here?" I questioned him.

We stopped on the fourth door. "Because I've been working here for three years. I already memorized the house." He said and turned the knob.

The ivory-white painted room welcomed us as we get in. A study table, a closet, an airconditioner, a single bed, and a huge window that gives a beautiful topview of the city; isn't this a hotel room?

"This is your room, Jinri. Your uniforms are placed in the closet, you have to wear it at all times." He instructed as I placed the bag beside the bed.

I sat down on the soft bed. "I have a uniform?"

He nodded softly and opened the closet. In his hands were my said uniform; a black-and-white maid outfit, the type you see in animes.

"It's a must. Try this on." He handed me the uniform and went out.

I wore the uniform effortlessly. It fits perfectly, like it was really made for me. I twirled myself in the air.

"Yaaaah~ I have a work now." I sang to myself. I went out of my room and saw Butler Maru waiting for me.

He looked at me from head to toe. "Perfect!" He exclaimed and he turned me around to see my backview. "Not too long, not too short." He noted.

I nodded. "Let's continue now."

He pointed the last door, two rooms away from my room. "That is Master Yoongi's room. When he's here, do not enter it unless he called you so." I just nodded.

Why do I feel that Yoongi-- I mean, Master Yoongi will be so rude to me?

I sighed. That's impossible. I believe he's a bright and happy individual.

We got downstairs and went at outside. Again, the fountain caught my attention.

"That fountain, needs to be cleaned everyday. The topiaries, they always get new trim every week. We change the water on the pool everyday, too." He stated as we roamed the frontyard.

What? They clean these large creations daily? That's very tiring, and astounding.

"How can you still look handsome after all of these things you're doing in this palace?" I asked him.

He just shrugged. "I'm a hardworking man, I should say." And he caressed his face. "My looks? Please don't mention it. We should stop stating the obvious." He bragged.

I giggled at his words.

"Oh, can you wait here? I just need to inform Madam Min about Master Yoongi's new maid." He asked.

I nodded. "Nae."

"Great!" He exclaimed. "I'll be right back." He said and made his way to the office.

I let my eyes wander around the place. Soon I'll be familiarized with this place, knowing each and every corners this mansion had. Each sides and parts of this house will be tattooed on my mind soon.

"Very soon." I said sighed.

I flinched when I heard loud bangs from the gate.

"Yah! Open this gate!"

I gasped. What a displeasant attitude, I thought.

I ran to the gate and opened the portal, seeing a guy near my age, wearing a uniform.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I asked as politely as I can.

He threw me a glance. "Move."

I gasped. "I'm afraid I can't unless you state your business here, mister."

He looked at me, his brows raising as high as the sky.

"I live here."

Made to be Min Yoongi's MaidTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang