Chapter 29: New Scene

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(Jinri's POV)

"3. 2. 1. Action!"

"I beg of you!" Jaena-ssi peeked through the window of the tower. "Please set me free and bring me back to my family!"

Taehyung-ssi snarled. "And what makes you think that I'll take orders from a mere creature like you? You are my captive and you are to stay in that tower forever!"

Jaena-ssi covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

"And.. spotlight to Rapunzel's parents!" Jisoo-ssi spoke through the speakers. "3. 2. 1. Action!"

Seokjin-ssi was on the floor, clutching on his chest. "Rapunzel, my poor Rapunzel. Why must this happen to us?"

Namjoon-ssi was facing his back on us, his hands on his hips, and his shoulders slightly moving. "I couldn't even save my own d-daughter, what kind of a father I am.."

"Minimize the lights and... cut!" Jisoo-ssi clapped her hands. "Spectacular acting, guys!"

Jisoo-ssi went down from her seat and approached us. "Yoongi, have you memorized your lines? You'll be appearing in the next scene."

Master Yoongi just groaned. "Can't I really swit---?"

"For the fifteenth time, Yoongi, no. You can't switch roles." Jisoo-ssi cut him. "Now get ready, you'll be up next."

Taehyung-ssi ran to us. "Jinri-chu! Did you see me? Did you see me? Am I great?"

I nodded. "Yes you are, Taehyung-ssi! You are a mighty dragon!"

He laughed and put a hand in his chest. "I am! The mighty Dragon Tae is always ready to protect Jinri-chu!"

"God, Namjoon. You're so bad at acting." Seokjin-ssi sighed. "Can't you face the audience without breaking into a laughter?"

He shrugged. "If I could, I wouldn't have to face my back on the crowd, y'know. And I'm trying my best."

"Hey, Yoongi!" Jisoo-ssi called out. "Why don't practice your lines with Jaena? Y'know, so both of you can exchange lines smoothly on the play."

I felt my sight getting darker.

"Y-you bitch!"

She raised her hand in the air and aimed it to my face.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself to what will happen next. But the hand I am expecting to land on my face never came.

"That's enough for now."

To my surprise, it was Yugyeom-ssi, holding Jaena-ssi's hand back.

"Let me go, Yugyeom!" Jaena-ssi wriggled under Yugyeom-ssi's grasp, but he was too strong.

He leaned closer to her and whispered. "You don't want to be he hot topic of the school's gossips, do you?"

Once he saw that Jaena-ssi regained her composure, he let go of her hand.

Jaena-ssi pointed her finger at my face. "We're not done yet, Jinri." She said and walked out of the cafeteria.

It's been days since that happened and I can still feel my knees wobbling everytime I remember it.

I felt a hand ruffling my hair.

"No need to be scared, we're here for you." Namjoon-ssi assured me with a smile.

Taehyung-ssi held my hand. "I can lock her up in the tower for real if you want to."

I shook my head, smiling. "You don't have to."

"Uhh, I'm here to practice my lines with Yoongi." Jaena-ssi said, walking to our spot. The sound of her voice makes me lower my head automatically.

I heard Master Yoongi muttered something under his breath. "No, I'm good."

"Jisoo just said we have to practice our lines." She sat near him and scanned the script in her hand. "Let's start with scene 3."

Seokjin-ssi chuckled. "This is going to be so much fun."

Master Yoongi glared at him, and exhaled tiredly. "Uhh, uhm." He cleared his throat. "I've heard the rumours of a b-b-b-.." Master Yoongi huffed and rolled his eyes. "... beautiful girl who's locked up in the tower. I wonder if it's true."

Namjoon-ssi and Seokjin-ssi was both holding their laughters at Master Yoongi, who's clearly unamused of what he's doing.

"Oh, is that a voice of a human I hear?" Unlike Master Yoongi, Jaena-ssi was full of enthusiasm. "Over here! Over here!"

"Tch." Master Yoongi said. "Oh, there's a girl up in the tower. The rumours are true." He said blandly, as if reading the context out of the book.

Jaena-ssi continued to deliver her line. "Hello there! I am Rapunzel. And you are?"

"Suffering." Master Yoongi answered. "I am suffering."

Namjoon-ssi laughed. "That shithead's definitely against everything."

"Why are you up there in that old tower?" Master Yoongi continued.

"A dragon took me away from my parents and lock me up here. I've been alone in this tower for years." Jaena-ssi read, her voice coated with sadness.

Master Yoongi laughed. "I'd do the same thing, to be honest."

"That wasn't on the script."

"Oh sorry." Master Yoongi smirked. "I was carried away by our acting I did an adlib. Anways.." He cleared his throat and began reading again. "So, the rumours about the beautiful girl in the tower.. is t-t-true."

There was a faint blush on Jaena-ssi's face as she heard Master Yoongi's words. "U-uhm, you think I'm beautiful?"

"Well.." Master Yoongi put down the script and folded his arms, looking at her. "Everyone has a beautiful side, they say. So I'm guessing you're a circle."

Seokjin-ssi clutched on his stomach and fell on the floor. "Called it!"

Jaena-ssi raised her brow, but tried to keep her composure. "Again, that wasn't on the scri---"

"I should've seen this coming." Jisoo-came back with a troubled expression. "I should've seen this coming, I know the 11th and 12th graders won't go down with a simple play. Of course they would do that."

Namjoon-ssi held his shoulders. "Hey, relax. What's the deal now?"

She fisted her hands, as if about to throw a tantrum. "I've seen the rehearsals of the higher years, and I shit you not, they just set the bar way too high!"

"I think our play is also great. I'm working hard as a dragon!" Taehyung-ssi said.

"I know, I know." Jisoo-ssi patted his head. "But after seeing their practices, I felt like they're way better than us. I think we're lacking some elements in our play."

Seokjin-ssi put a hand on his chin. "Our story's genre is fantasy, drama, action, and bit of romance, I think. How can we spice it up?"

Jisoo-ssi shut her eyes tightly. And then she shouted. "Yeah! I know!"

She approached Master Yoongi and Jaena-ssi. "I need you two so we can battle head-on to the higher years."

"How so?" Namjoon-ssi askes.

"Easy-peasy!" Jisoo-ssi giggled. "We just have to add a kissing scene!"


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