Chapter 26: Trouble

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(Yoongi's POV)

No one was saying anything, as if someone pressed the pause button on them.

I looked at Jaena. Did she just said that she wants to make up with me again? Isn't that what she said?

"Hyung.." Jungkook called me out, telling me to do something.

There's three things that's bothering me right now.

One, didn't I made it clear to Jaena that we're already over? What the fuck is this 'making up with me'-shit?

Two, didn't she cheated on me with Yugyeom? And now she's saying these things right in front of her new fuck budd-- I mean, boyfriend? Just how twisted is this situation?

Three, why am I even bothering?

I stood up and gathered my things, not even muttering anything. I just gotta leave this area right now before things get even worse.

"At least don't leave me hanging." Jaena said, her lips slightly pouting. God, I can't look at her mouth without thinking how many times has it blown Yugyeom's dick.

I looked at her blandly. "It's a no from me. Bye."

"Yoongi." Jaena called out. I mentally cringed at the sound of my name in her voice. "You know I love you, and you do too. I'm sorry for what has happened, but it's not what you think."

"Jaena." I sighed, completely done with this bitch. "I may love to shop but no, I'm not buying any of your bullshit."

But she answered. "You're just mad. You know how much I love you. And you'll never get to find any other girl like me."

"Oh, thank God." I clasped my hands in happiness.

Her expression was rather shook, and her eyes start to brim with unshed tears. She ran away from our table going towards the exit of the cafeteria.

But before she left, she turned her head and send a look. But it was not for me.

I followed her stare and it was fixed to Jinri. Actually it was not a stare; t'was a glare. An infuriated glare. And she completely left.

Huh, now why would Jaena glare like that?

There was something with her glare, it's like on those dramas; the antagonist would glare at the lead characters and they would do nasty things against them

Maybe she's jealous?

Could Jaena be really jealous with Jinri? But why? I don't see anything to be jealous of from this rag.

I just walked out, hearing Jimin and Namjoon calling for me but I couldn't care less.

I headed to the rooftop to get rid of all the shits that happened today. I sat down on the floor and tried to clear out my mind.

"Yoongi." Namjoon's voice floated through the empty space. He sat down beside me and looked at the cloudy sky.

"Where are the two?" I asked.

"I told them to keep Kitten company." He answered.

"Question, do you really not want to be with Jaena again?"

I spoke. "I might, if I'm one of that ass-headed characters in romantic novels."

He laughed. "You speak like you've never been in love. Didn't you always talk about how much you love and cherish her?"

"Repeat that disgusting slanders again and you'll be hearing from my lawyers." I pointed a finger at him.

Namjoon smirked. "Please, you were one of those ass-headed character once." And he sighed.

"I saw it too, y'know."

I looked at him. "What?"

"Jaena. Glaring at Jinri. Again."

I nodded. "Is that so? I actually don't care."

"It also confuses me." He admitted. "I've considered the fact that Jaena might be jealous of Jinri. But I don't know, what could make her be jealous of Jinri?"

I clicked my tongue. "I told you, there's no way Jaena will feel inferior to Jinri. Nothing's good with her, I mean, put Jinri in pile of trash and I wouldn't be able to spot her."

"Then what do you think can be the reason of Jaena's attitude towards her?"

My eyes automatically roll at his question. "Why is Jinri being the topic here? I don't give a shit about that rat."

"I don't know." He shrugged. "But I feel something not good, like Jinri's gonna be in trouble. I hope not."

But if I think it the way Namjoon does, if Jaena is truly jealous of Jinri, what can be the reason behind this? Why Jinri's being dragged to my issues with her?

But then again, why am I bothering?


Last period just finished. Time sure flies fast when you slept the whole periods. I can't wait to be drowned in my bedsheets again.

"Master Yoongi, are you okay?" Jinri asked. "You've been sleeping for three hours."

Namjoon chuckled. "Don't mind him. He's naturally lazy."

"As expected, you never fail to get on my nerves, Kim Namjoon." I yawned.

Jisoo approached us. "Jinri, you're being called at the Principal's office."

"E-eh?" The rat panicked. "Did I do something wrong? Will I be kicked out from this school?"

Jisoo laughed at her expression. "No, you silly. You just have to sign papers to finalize your transfer here."

Jinri breathed happily. "Aigoo, thank you Jisoo-ssi. I thought I did something wrong."

"Master Yoongi, I'll be heading to the Principal's office for a while. You don't have to wait for me." She said and walked out of the room.

"Who says I'll wait for you?" I grumbled and crouch down to get my bag. "Let's go, Namjoon. I wanna sleep."

Namjoon nodded. "Wait, can we pass at the vending machine? I'm thirsty."

Even if it was against my will, I found myself following him at the vending machine, located at the end part of the corridor next to the vacant room.

"Hey, buy me soda." I told him as I leaned on the door, but I almost fell down because it was open.

Huh, isn't this supposed to be locked?

I stepped inside to see if someone's inside the room. And there was a person, it's back facing me.

"Yo sloth, here's your soda." Namjoon called, but I quickly shushed him and pulled him inside the room.

Judging its body and hair length, it's definitely a she.

"Hold up, isn't that Jaena?" Namjoon pointed out.

We hid behind the drawers as the person turned around. Yeah, it was Jaena.

"My, my, Yoongi's stubborn as ever." She spoke to herself, while walking around in circles. "Maybe I should really do something to her."

Jaena held a photo in her hands, and smirked.

"You're gonna get it, Shin Jinri."


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