Chapter 20: Unexpected Meeting

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(Jinri's POV)

It is Saturday morning, Butler Maru and I are here at MY Mall, doing grocery shopping because we're needing to restock the mansion's pantry.

"I've heard about this stage play your school's about to held." Butler Maru said, pushing the cart as he followed me to complete the shopping list.

I nodded. "Nae. We're doing the story of Rapunzel."

"Are you participating?" He asked.

"I am casted as the magical tree." I said, a bit of excitement coating my words.

Butler Maru looked at me and turned his head on his side, covering his mouth to muffle his laughter. "A tree!? Are they running out of roles?"

I huffed and stomped my foot lightly on the tiled floor. "But it's not just a tree; it's a magical tree!" I whined.

He wiped his happy tears away and breathed out to put a stop on his laughter. "Well, okay then. And Master Yoongi?"

I nodded happily. "Master Yoongi is the prince charming! He'll be the greatest prince in the world!" I held up my hands in the air, as if throwing confettis.

"Really?" He asked. "I bet he's forcing his friends to switch roles with him, isn't he? He's not a huge fan of fairytales."

"He did tried to convince them to switch roles. He also told me that he wants to bomb down the whole school to postpone the play."

Butler Maru can't help it but to chuckle. "Was it that bad that he wanted to destroy his school? Anyways, who's her Rapunzel?"

"It's Jaena-ssi---"

I halted with my words, flashback of yesterday's situation suddenly played within the back of my mind.

"Is it just me, or is Jaena glaring right at you?" Namjoon-ssi asked, his eyes still fixed onto my back.

I can feel the sweats forming in my forehead, and the wind suddenly felt chilly. I blinked many times to comprehend what he just said.

"E-eh? But why would Jaena-ssi glare at me? Have I done something that upsets her?" I asked in a shaky tone.

Namjoon-ssi looked at me with his warm eyes, he sighed and patted my head. "Just kidding, Jinri."

I stared at him for seconds before slightly glaring at him. "Namjoon-ssi, that was not amusing. Please don't do it again. You're giving me a heart attack."

He just chuckled and pinched my cheeks. "Angry Kitten looks very cute and intimidating. Alright, I promise I won't do it again. I'm sorry."

I nodded and smiled. "That's a promise, okay?"

Namjoon-ssi nodded and smiled back, but his eyes are still gazing at my back.

I don't remember something that I've done to make Jaena-ssi disappointed with me, and Namjoon-ssi said he was just kidding.

But his expressions were... genuine.

"Shin Jinri?" Butler Maru snapped his fingers right in front of my eyes.

I let out a pipped scream, and I almost lost my grip at the jar of strawberry jam in my hands. I exhaled heavily before hugging the jar closer to my body.

He smirked. "It seems like our Jinri here is dazing off at work, maybe I should fire her." He tapped his fingers at his chin.

I gasped and shook my head vigorously. "I-i am not! I was just caught up with my thoughts, please don't fire me! I have nowhere to go. I'm very sorry! I promise I'll do better!" I bowed down.

Butler Maru chuckled and held my shoulders. "Geez, I was just joking. You don't have to take everything in a serious way."

"Jinjja?" I sobbed.

He nodded.

I sighed. "Thank you so much, Butler Maru. I'll do better next time." I put the jar on the cart. "Oh, Jaena-ssi is the Rapunzel."

"Lady Jaena? Master Yoongi's girlfriend?" He asked.

I nodded. "Nae, Jaena-ssi. But Master Yoongi and her already broke up weeks ago."

He looked at me as if I grew an ear on my face. "They broke up? But why? Their relationship is going smooth."

"I don't know the reason why, but it looks like Master Yoongi does not like Jaena-ssi anymore." I said.

Butler Maru clicked his tongue. "I'm very sad to hear that. I guess I won't be booking any of his dates anymore."

I looked at him blankly. "Book his dates?"

"Ah~" Butler Maru grinned. "Master Yoongi might look tough and rude on the outside, but he's actually a softie when it comes to Lady Jaena. They always had their dates overseas and I'm the one who arranges it. They've had their dates at France, Hokkaido, Maldives, Cebu, Kuala Lumpur, and many more. They had their dates twice a week."

I almost drooled in amazement. "I haven't even went to Lotte World and they've already visited half of the world."

"That's one of the perks of being born in a rich family. You can travel anywhere you want." Butler Maru stated, as he pushed the cart towards the cashier booth.

We paid for the groceries and went out of the supermarket section. The mall is full today since it's weekend, and I've seen sale promos at some of the stalls.

"Master Yoongi texted, he said he'll be eating out with his friends. So let's just eat here." He pulled me inside a restaurant.

We sat down, Butler Maru scanned the menu, and a waiter approached our table. "Good day, Butler Maru. Can I take your order now?"

I remembered when I was still a waiter before at Manager-nim's restaurant. It was not an easy task, but it was all fun and memorable.

"I miss Manager-nim, I should contact him later." I mumbled.

Butler Maru looked at me. "Sorry, you saying something?"

"Aniyo." I shook my head. "I'll just go the restroom for a while." I said, Butler Maru nodded and continued talking to the waiter.

I headed to the female's restroom and washed my hands. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and fixed my uniform.

Just when I thought I was alone inside, the cubicle's door beside me opened.

"Well, who do we have here?"

I felt my hair raising up in uneasiness.


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