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{Third Person}

This Friday is Marino High School's annual Homecoming dance and the whole week is filled with proposals.

{Ally's POV}

I stand in front of my locker with a slight frown on my face as I see yet another guy ask a girl too homecoming. I sigh as I slowly close the metal door. This is going to be a long week. I begin to walk to class when I run into my tall blonde haired friend.

"Hi Ally."
Austins greeted seeming energetic

"Hi Austin."
I return a little lower then I intended too.

"Hey...what's wrong?"

I look up to see him with a concerned look on his face. I answer quickly in hope he won't ask anything further.

"um nothing I'm fine."

He stepped closer and looked down at me.
"You sure?...you seem glum."

"I'm positive...I'm good."
I assure him with a fake able smile.

"Alright just making sure....oh..Actually I have good news...I asked Amber today and she said yes...Thanks again on the whole proposal idea."

His wide smile made me feel down again. Wish I could be that happy about homecoming. He took notice but didn't address the subject.

"That's great Austin."
I managed to sputter out happily but my eyes blew the act since they suddenly found my shoes interesting. About a second passed and I felt the soft touch of his thumb and index finger lifting my chin.

"Are you sure you're ok Ally?"

I smiled weakly and turned my head, nodding. A verbal statement was too tough for me at the moment.

He sighed dropping the subject. Soon after his face perked up.

"So who is the lucky guy who is taking you?"

I start to sling my backpack behind me and scattered up my materials.

"Umm... Austin can we maybe talk later I have to get to class."

I leave before he can answer. I really don't wanna talk about homecoming right now.

Austin's POV

"Umm... Austin can we maybe talk later I have to get to class."

Right before I could answer she walked away. I wonder what's wrong with Ally. She doesn't seem herself today.
Maybe she just isn't feeling well? I don't know it's hard to tell with girls. Which is odd since I can read Ally like an open book. I'll just check on her later.

Anyway I'm so excited. The girl I have had a crush since middle school is going to homecoming with me! I owe the whole  proposal idea to Ally. She really helped me out. Maybe I should get her a gift. I'll think more about it later. Now I gotta get to class;I'm gonna be late.

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