Met At The Park

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Credit to tinakrl3 for the jealousy idea.

--At the park--
Ally's POV

I hummed along to the melody in my head as I closed my eyes and let the sun shine down on my face.I began to giggle as he also hummed along not even knowing the melody while he gently stroked my hair.I open my eyes and turn my head slightly to look at him.I sent him a small smile as he continued to play with my chestnut colored hair.

It remained quite as he kept on humming, but it slowly turned into a familiar tune that I knew by heart.I once again closed me eyes as the corners of my lips curved into a smile.I couldn't see him but I knew he was smiling also.

We stayed like this a little longer.Just as I lifted my head off his lap,due to our other two best friends calling our names,he had placed me in his lap and hugged me by the waist like he never wanted to let go.

I let out a chuckle and hugged him back with my arms around his neck and my head on his shoulder.After our little hug I jumped up pulling him with me and making my way over to the others.

Just as I reached them she tossed the Frisbee in my direction. I jumped up in an attempt to capture it but failed miserably due to my height and not so high athletic abilities.

"Trish not so high, I'm short remember."

"Sorry," She giggle back.

I sent her a playful glare as I ran to pick up the Frisbee.

"Geez where did it go," I mumbled to myself.

I grinned as I finally found it,but I saw it hit some guy in the head.

"Shoot." How embarrassing.

I sighed as the guy bent over and picked it up from the ground. He then looked around for the owner of it.

I was going to yell at him to throw it but went against it because we already hit him once.It would be rude to yell.I quickly make my way over to the may....I say it handsome...boy who looked about my age.He sent me a small smile as I did to him.

"I believe this belongs to you." He chuckled , showing his smile.

I don't know why but that made me melt inside.Weird right??

"Uhhhh....yeah sorry about friend threw it too high so I couldn't catch it..are you okay??"

"No problem...and don't worry I'm perfectly fine...well here." He said kindly as he handed me the Frisbee.

I said thanks and sorry again and began walking back but was stopped by his hand pulling me back slowly.

"Wait...what's your name??" He asked once I was facing him.

"Ugh...It Ally... Ally Dawson." I stick out my hand so he can shake it.He gladly excepts and replies "what a pretty name for a pretty girl."

"I'm Ethan Moore nice to meet you Ally... This may sound weird since we just met and all but may I have you number I wouldn't want to miss out on seeing your beautiful face again."

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