Piano Moments

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Austin flopped down tiredly, next to Ally on the bench. She sent him a playful smile knowing he wasn’t use to waking up this early. Without notice she brought her hand onto the keys and began to play a new tune she composed.

He rose his head and sat straighter getting hypnotized by the music. Soon enough he was wide awake and following her pattern. They played a little longer until their twiddling fingers meet in the middle and they froze.

A warmth shoot through their palms straight to their heart, never missing a beat. Ally was the first to peel her eyes away and peer to his features. A smile had rolled upon his lips, showing its clear effect. He liked the feeling.

With his left hand he slowly used it to turn her right hand palm up. Silently he interlocked them together, finally looking up to meet her gaze.

She counted her breaths, confused as to what was to happen now. However he chuckled softly and leaned forward.

To shocked to move, she let him proceed his action. Involuntarily their eyelids shut when he was about a few centimeters away.

In his mind he screamed to go for it but his heart told him it wasn't time yet. So he tilted his head to the side and left a sweet kiss on her cheek.

Of course it surprised her yet she was grateful. One last exchange of smiles and she brought his attention back to the piano. They continued on like normal but not once unlocking their hands, which were rested peacefully on his lap.

A/N: We need an Austin and Ally movie. Asap.

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