Sober Much??

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Ally's POV.
I feel so alive. Not. I couldn't be even more bored then I already am. I unlock my phone to see the time.

I sigh and place my elbow on the counter holding up my head. Why did they have to bring me along? The gang decided we needed a night of fun so we came to some person's party. I was having such a terrible time I didn't bother to ask who's house it was.

I close my eyes as a headache begins to form in my head from the VERY loud music playing through out the entire house.

A few seconds later I hear a chair pull up to me and a small chuckle.

"I didn't think this was your type of scene."

I quickly told my self not to react to the voice so I simply shook my head.
I recognize the southern accent anywhere.

My eyes open to reveal him sitting about a few feet away from me. One leg placed on the other as his hand were clasped together and in his lap. His head was tilted to the side making it harder to see his face due to the big black hat placed perfectly on his head. I could see his cheeky smile though.


"Hi, Ally......why are you sitting here all lonely.....did you come alone."

Why the sudden interest in my life I wonder?

"No I didn't I'm here with Austin,Dez, and Trish."

"So how come he left such a pretty girl like yourself think Austin would know better."

I rose an eyebrow at his sudden bash on Austin but let it go,not wanting to argue with him.

"It wasn't his fault.... He wanted to hang with his friends and I wasn't going to allow my party popping self to ruin that for him."

He puts his arms up in defense.

"Relax...I was just kidding....but I don't feel comfortable leaving you by yourself...because there are many creeps at this parties....Care to dance with me?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. I looked around in hope to find my friends so maybe we could leave, but let out a defeated sigh when they were no where to be found. My gaze turned back to Gavin to see him stand up and stick his hand out for me to take. I smile as I grabbed it and he lead us to the dance floor.

It was pretty crowed but we managed to find our way to the middle causing everyone to spread out. We danced for about an hour before a slow song came on.

We were hesitant but eventually got in the position. His arms around my lower back and mine around his neck. A smile found its way to my face as I looked up at him.

"Thank you Gavin...tonight was fun....well at least the part where I was sulking in the kitchen.... I was good to see my old cowboy."

I tipped his hat a bit in a playful manner. He chuckled and nodded.

"It was good to see you too Ally...I'm honored you think of me that you like cowboys aye."

I nodded as I let out a small laugh.

"Well here then..a gift...from your cowboy."

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