Concerts and Graduates

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Ally's POV
I giggled as I danced around on top of my bed while lip syncing to Megan Trainor's. Bang Dem Sticks.

"I got a thing for drummers. Have a beat shape of my heart. I got a thing for drummers. So come one baby show off all them tricks and bang dem sticks.

I love it when its loud. I love it when its big. Cause you could feel it in the crowd come on bang them sticks."

I started singing rather loudly while i jumped off my bed and made my way over to my laptop which was ringing. I clicked on what I assumed was a reminder and kept swaying my hips to the beat as I let the notes flow out of me.

The song eventually came to an end and I heard someone clapping and cheering. I let out a squeal as I was terrified. Fact being i was the only one home. It took a while but I finally realized it was coming for my computer. When i faced the screen i saw my face time was open and active. Oh lucky me and could you guess who was the person on the other screen.

Austin. He sat there with a cheeky smile and his hand over his chest trying to stifle his laugh. I blushed a deep red as I bowed my head.

"How much did you see??" I asked clearly embarrassed.

I heard him give a soft chuckle then reply.

"Not much princess but just so you know I do play the drums (winks) it also just happens to be how we meet.( gives a wide smirk.)"

I roll my eyes playfully while giggling.

"Your such a flirt."

"Only for you beautiful."

Again I let out a small laugh but then tilt my head to the side in confusion. What's up with him?

"Awww your so adorable when you do that."

I shake my head slightly smiling. I make my way over to my bed and quickly get under the covers as I place the laptop on top of my lap.

"Spill Austin."

"(sighs) well since you know some things up.... Jimmy just gave me the news that my USA tour is turning into.... a world tour."

I smiled wide but it soon faded as I saw his eyes fill with sadness. I felt a shiver go through my body and not a good one. It happens every time something bad is about to happen. I slowly rub my arms up and down as I once again bow my head.

As I looked back up,I took a second to choose what to say.

"Austin's whats wrong that incredible news but you don't seem very happy about it...I thought that's what you wanted to happen."

"It's great REALLY....just there are some things to be sacrificed along the way..well none that I'm okay with...but Jimmy won't allow me to miss days of the tour for then."

I get the shiver again. This can't be good. I nod for him to continue.

"Ally...One of the things that I need to give up is...our graduation."

I freeze up almost completely when the one word comes out of his mouth. My eyes are glued to the keyboard. After a few seconds the keys began to blur from the salty water stinging my eyes. I sniffle.

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