Chapter 2. Wedding plans

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Chapter 2. Wedding plans

The next day morning dad was hovering around mom asking her if she needed anything, making mom comfortable and asking questions. Mom had told us that she didn’t feel like she was in any pain at all and it was as if a normal person was having a normal baby. Carlisle and dad thought this was interesting. They were talking about doing a scan on mom to see what happens. Carlisle had planned this to happen later today. Emmett found it all hilarious making jokes about mom and dad which I got pushed into the kitchen so I couldn’t hear anything. Esme had made me breakfast, oatmeal and a hot chocolate. Jacob was sat across the table from me drinking soda.

Alice strolled into the kitchen excitedly. “Pink or purple?” she asked, before she pushed Jacob out of the door. “What are you talking about?” I asked sipping my hot chocolate and looking at the door where Jacob got kicked out of. I felt a little sorry for him. “Your wedding silly.”Alice laughed. I sighed. I didn’t want to think about getting married and going away while mom could need someone with her. Yeah she had my family, but I wanted to be there as well. “Alice, I’m not sure right now is the best time to plan a wedding. You know with mom and everything.” I said.

“But your dad and Carlisle said that you and Jacob need to be away from here when the baby comes because we don’t know what it is going to be like.” Alice said. She looked serious. “Have you seen something?” I asked. Jacob had opened the door and smiled at me. “Urgh you might as well come in seeing as this concerns you both.” Alice said. Jacob shut the door behind him and sat down with me.

“Alice what’s going on?” I asked. We were both staring at her.

“I have tried to see what is happening. It isn’t clear, I have seen a couple of flashes but nothing that makes sense. Which is weird because the baby is obviously going to vampire of some sort. No one knows how it will react to you two being around. The things I have seen are that somehow we were able to see the baby on the screen. I don’t know how but it happened. I couldn’t see what it was or if it would be fully vampire or any human in it at all. We are all very confused.” Alice finished.

We just sat there in complete silence. I didn’t know what to say and neither did Jacob.

“So we need to talk about the wedding.” She said. I looked at Jacob and nodded.

“Ok let’s talk about the wedding.” I said. Alice seemed thrilled but I still couldn’t stop worrying about mom.

We spend the next few hours talking to Alice about the wedding. Alice said the baby could come anytime so the wedding had to be in a few weeks. We were going dress shopping tomorrow. Alice and Rosalie were going to give out invitations tomorrow.

This meant that I wouldn’t see Jacob for the whole day as he had to tell every one of his family and friends and get their suits.

Alice, Rosalie and Esme were planning the decorations. I had spent ages convincing Alice to let me pick colors. Alice wasn’t happy about this and insisted on a delicate pink. In the end we settled for pastel colors which Alice didn’t seem to mind.

Later that day when Esme had cooked our dinner we were all lounging around the house when Carlisle and dad came out of the study with a load of hospital equipment.

“Ok now Bella we need you to lie on this bed.” Carlisle said. Mom obeyed granddad and lay on the bed. I was sat with Jacob feeling really nervous. Jacob could sense it and gripped my hand tightly.

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