Chapter 13. Cleaner

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Chapter 13. Cleaner

I woke up in our little cabin in the secluded woods. It was absolutely amazing and I don’t remember arriving last night because I was exhausted. I sat up taking in the surroundings as Jacob snores beside me. I lightly pulled the covers back getting out of bed. The floor was coated in the finest woods smelling divine and fresh. Our own room was so traditional only the basic furniture of the double bed chest of draws which matched the sandy flooring and walls

As I went through the sliding doors and out into the forest the light dusting of rain made the air fresh and crisp. I stepped of the wooden balcony into the wild rain forest taking in the damp moss and moist air. I had never felt as relaxed as I did right now. I would have to ask Jacob if he would like to hike at some point.  I stepped further out in the open forest. There wasn’t a human in sight for miles. I could act out my natural instincts and so could Jacob.

I sat down on the soft moss not caring about getting my pyjamas dirty. Auntie Alice had of course picked the perfect place I would owe her for life, I felt like I was repeating myself a lot of times for Alice. I didn’t ask Alice to do all of this in fact as I remember I had yelled at her for taking over she had finally backed down a little. She had pestered for ages about the honeymoon. Even the word back then made me shiver. I was terrified of being alone with Jacob as husband and wife. I felt I had a duty to carry out and I was terrified. I knew Jacob wouldn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want to. Another thing I would have to talk to him about. Just bringing it up was the problem.

 I looked back towards the cabin, the silence was heavenly and I could still hear faint snoring. I scattered bits of twig and leaves around the moss and stood up shaking the loose dirt off of my pyjamas. I wanted to follow the faint track in the distance but I couldn’t even remember arriving here so I wouldn’t know my way back and the humiliation it would be to have to ask. I took a step in the direction of the trail only to hear mumbles. I turned around towards the cabin squinting my eyes to see through the balcony into our room. I started walking back towards the room. The bed was empty and the duvet was crumpled on Jacob’s side. I heard from the small room beside ours running water and singing. I giggled listening to Jacob singing just the way you are by Bruno Mars. I slipped out of my pyjamas into comfortable pants and a loose spaghetti strap top and went into the kitchen.

I wasn’t really surprised by how pretty it was since the bedroom was amazing. The kitchen was very cosy and small enough for both of us. Completely decorated in white with more sliding doors leading out onto a extended balcony complete with two chairs and a table. I heated the steel teapot up digging around the cupboards for cups. I found two small cups with the faint smell of lemon. The whole kitchen had a faint smell of lemon the floor was slightly damp and a mop bucket was leaning by the sliding doors. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the doors almost jumping out of my skin. There was a woman about forty with a sponge and some kind of cleaning spray wiping over the table on the balcony. I had suddenly gone all shy but her inviting smile drew me in. “hello there.” She said. I took a few steps closer to her. For the first time I saw her properly stopping myself gasping. Her pale rosy skin looked blistered and burnt covered in layers of make up. Her arms were covered with plasters and bandage I tried to stop myself staring but I was finding it hard. I wanted her to go away from me but she just carried on smiling and watching me. The silence was uncomfortable now and I was staring down at my half bitten nails. “Are you okay dear?” She said. I looked back up at her soft expression shaking my head. I was so paranoid of everyone for some reason but she looks genuinely kind. “I am fine.” I said. She just quickly finished cleaning and disappeared. I wanted to forget all about her but something was keeping her in my head. Something seemed wrong but I couldn’t figure out what.

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