Chapter 15. Kidnap

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Chapter 15. Kidnap

That night we had both gotten back from the dance absolutely knackered. I lay cuddled to Jacob and fell asleep.

I heard sounds and I felt myself bouncing around. I opened my eyes to complete darkness. I touched in front of me and felt fabric. I was really confused. "Jacob." I yelled. A hand hit what I was in and I felt the blow. I curled up in a ball and sobbed wondering who I was with and where Jacob was.


I woke up the next morning and Renesmee's side of the bed was crumpled. She was gone. I got up straight away and looked around the cabin. "Renesmee?" I yelled. She wasn't around. She wouldn't have gone out anywhere without leaving me a note. Something had happened. I rang Edward and told him what has happened. They would fly out straight away but they wouldn't be here for another few hours. I went around the other cabins asking if they saw or heard anything. I eventually went down to the building where the dance was held. No one heard anything either. I sat down on the dirt waiting to hear anything from anyone. I called up Sam and told him. He said he would come too.


I was thrown into a car and finally had the sack that was over me taken off. I couldn’t see who had just thrown me. It was too dark and shadowy. I did hear voices whispering and I looked out the window as the car started up and sped out of the forest. Nobody was around and the car sped down roads of countryside stretched for miles. Not a house in sight only grass and trees and the odd cow and sheep.

When the car finally stopped it the sun was just rising. I looked to the front of the car now it wasn’t shadowy and the person driving looked very misshapen. His face looked saggy and old. It was all so confusing. The man in the car turned around to face me. I then realised he was wearing a mask so I wouldn’t see his face but his female accompanist wasn’t wearing any disguise and I recognised the scars on her. She was the caretaker from the cabin.

The man kept his mask on as he spoke. “Now little girl you are going to do exactly what I tell you to and if you disobey me, I will kill you.” He said. I tried to keep my face straight to show no fear as I nodded. “Good girl.” He said. His tone was patronising. He reached his arm up and stroked my hair. I shivered at his touch. He was cold just like mom and dad were. He was one of us.


I met Edward, Emmett and Jasper at the airport. No sign of Bella or any of the others. But I suppose Bella was busy with her new baby. Sam came soon after along with the rest of the wolves. All but Leah what a surprise?  “How could you let this happen?” Edward growled at me. I stepped forward. “How is this my fault?” I asked. Emmett got in front of us both. “Guys this isn’t helping is it?” He said. He was right but Edward wouldn’t get away with accusing me.

I let it go for now. I kind of felt a little bad for Bella anyway. Her daughter was missing and if I killed Edward she would then lose a husband. I spat the words out but shook it away. Edward would be in my life forever now whether I liked it or not. But we had to find Renesmee and fast.

“Let’s go to your cabin first.” Edward said. Edward hijacked a car and I directed them back to the cabin.  We parked the car and walked the dirt trail to the cabin. I noticed it was dark and dull now. Not sunny and bright like before. The feeling was hurting like crazy. I was supposed to protect her and she was taking right under me without me even waking. Edward just sighed and shook his head angrily. “Oh crap.” I muttered. Nothing was safe with Edward around. Edward got to the door and sniffed the air. “I smell something; it may be worth following the scent.” We all walked with Edward following the scent that filled the air. I didn’t recognise the scent completely because it was mixed in with another scent that almost covered the other one. Edward seemed positive and I didn’t really want to cause an argument in front of humans because I knew I would phase while they were around.

Edward got into the car and followed the scent across some abandoned fields in the middle of nowhere. This didn’t look promising. Edward drove across more countryside and eventually stopped. “The scent seems to lead to this field.” He said. We all got out of the car and ran through the field. We saw the lake in the distance and froze. “Oh no.” Edward said.


The man picked me up roughly throwing me over his shoulder and walked up his steps. He kept knocking my head into the bars as he swung me around. I could feel my head bleeding slightly as he threw me into his house. “This is your new home now.” He grinned. I held my hand to my head as I felt the blood come out the room went fuzzy.

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