Chapter 6. Vows

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Chapter 6.


Stood waiting for Renesmee seeme to take longer than I imagined, that might have just been the nerves kicking in and even my dad noticed how nervous I was when he came and put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. I had given the ring for Renesmee to Sam who was standing next to me looking at the doors.

Finally I heard a car outside and then the doors burst open. Emily was first to come in. She smiled at Sam and nodded to me as she sat down, followed by Rosalie, Alice and Bella. I had to stop the small growl from leaving me when Bella came in biting her lip and looking at the ground. I had to try to forget about Bella since she wasn’t mine to care about, I just couldn’t believe Edward had made the same mistake twice. I shook my head to get the thought away before he came into the room. Which wasn’t long after.

When Renesmee entered the room, everyone turned to look at her, she blushed and looked straight at me. Edward had her arm securely in his smiling and nodding to his family and friends. When he looked at me I just smiled politely at him, we weren’t the best of friends but I could just about stomach him. Edward on the other hand had forgotten all his hate towards me and smiled a lot more relaxed than I imagined mine was.


I was so nervous walking with my dad but I kept my eyes on Jacob the whole time ignoring everyone. Dad was smiling at everyone making me blush, he was really enjoying torturing me. I saw him smile at Jacob and it seemed that they had forgotten their differences. Once I was within reach of Jacob, my dad took my hand kissed it then placed it into Jacobs and went to sit with mom. I looked back at them and they smiled at me.


Everyone else took a seat leaving me and Renesmee standing with the priest. Her hands were shaking so badly when Edward placed them in mine. Sam slipped the ring into my pocket and sat with Emily. The priest nodded to us and then started to talk.


The vows are what I was dreading all day, not exactly dreading but scared of. I was so scared my voice wouldn’t be in tact with my brain and I wouldn’t be able to speak, or I would get it all wrong and everyone would laugh at me. So when the priest said say after me I was shaking badly. Jacob had noticed and started lightly rubbing my hand with his thumb. I turned to Jacob and got ready to say my vows.

‘‘Please repeat after me.’’ The priest looked at me and I smiled at him taking a deep breath. I turned to Jacob and after the priest finished I said. ‘‘I, Renesmee, Carlie, Cullen in the presence of God and these witnesses,  take you, Jacob, to be my husband, to  have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,  to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live.’’ I took a deep breath after and smiled at Jacob. He was smiling back at me as he repeated the same words back to me.


I could sense Renesmee’s nerves as she repeated the words back to me. I tried to make her feel more relaxed but I knew she had been threating about this part. I tried to keep her gaze on me so she wouldn’t have the urge to see everyone around us. I repeated the words back to her then it was my time to show her my ring.

Alice had bounced over to give Renesmee my ring and kissed her cheek after making her blush. I smiled at her and caught her gaze again. She bit her lip looking scared. I took my dads ring out and waited for the words.

I held Renesmees hand and the ring and said to her. ‘‘I give you this ring, as a token of my abiding love and constant faith to you. I then put the ring on her and she gasped at it. I was so relieved she liked it and my dad looked pleased to. Renesmee stared at me stunned at the ring. I whispered. ‘‘I will tell you later.’’ She just nodded and almost forgot to say her words back.


I had to straighten myself up after Jacob had given me his ring it was absolutely beautiful. I was really interested to know where he got it. I saw that it meant a lot to him when he carefully slipped it onto my finger. I stared at it speechless almost forgetting my own words. I composed myself and put his ring onto him a little disappointed that his wasn’t as pretty. He didn’t seem bothered at all. The priest smiled at both of us and said. ‘‘May these two find happiness in their matrimony. May they live faithfully together and remain compassionate . May years be rich in the joys of life, and their days be long upon the earth. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Jacob stepped towards me and my breathing picked up. I had never kissed Jacob in front of so many people and just the thought of it scared me so badly. He held my face in his hands smiling softly at me. I felt my legs almost give way. I leaned in to him closing my eyes and pretending it was only us here. We kissed as everyone around us clapped and cheered, I tried to drown it all out. We finally pulled away after a few minutes and looked at everyone. I was so relieved that Jacob and I were married.

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