Chapter 16. Torture

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I knew what I had to do and I knew I didn’t have much time either. I ran out to my beautiful car and before another second went by I was speeding off to the airport. I had already phoned Edward about an hour before telling him not to do anything else but he sounded so upset. This was when my vision had happened and I was going to save the day... Again!

“Single return please.” I asked. The man tapped into his computer and I sighed. I didn’t have time to wait. Nobody knew what I was about to do even Edward didn’t.


I knelt down next to river almost sobbing. Who could have done this to such a sweet girl? I growled. Whoever it was would pay for this big time. I guess I should call Bella to tell her. I took my phone out of my pocket and tapped in her number. “Bella I have to tell you something.” I caught Emmet’s eye and slowly walked away sighing.


The plane stopped moving and I was the first to walk down the narrow aisle to the steps. Now it was time to pay someone a visit. I hired out a car and took over all of the cars in half a second speeding to the volturi’s castle. 

I stopped the car in the middle of the town and got out running across the busy paths to the big gates. I pressed the buzz in button. “It’s Alice please let me in.” I said. I heard interference and then the door unlocked. I raced around the volturi grounds trying to find Aro or Demetri. I was finally met with a surprised Aro. “Alice my dear what a lovely surprise to see you again.” He held out his hand for me. “Aro please I need a massive favour. I need to speak to Demetri.” Aro looked at me surprised. “Alice what on earth has gone on?” I sighed. I didn’t have time for this. He held out his hand and I took it showing him what had happened. “Ah I see. Come this way.” He said. He turned away and walked off towards the steel double doors. “Demetri it seems you have a visitor.” Aro said behind the door.

He opened the doors and gestured for me to come in. “Alice what is it you need?” Demetri almost snapped. “I need you to help me find Renesmee.” I almost pleaded. Demetri looked horrified. “Why would I want to do that for? Snivelling brat.” He hissed. I knew this wouldn’t be easy.

“Demetri please. You have been an old friend of Carlisle’s for so long now. We need help. We have helped you get rid of the army before?” I said. He sighed. “Renesmee isn’t dead like Edward thinks.” Demetri said. I sighed in relief. “Can I just phone him?” I asked. He chuckled. “No signal in the castle. But you can go outside.” I ran down the hallway again opening the doors and put my foot in the way so it didn’t shut. I dialled Edward’s number but it was engaged. I tried again a few minutes later. “Edward, Nessie isn’t dead. Demetri is helping us find her.” I said. Edward was quiet on the phone. “Thank you Alice.” He finally said. I hung up and went back to the room. “So will you come and help us?” I asked. He nodded following me out of the castle grounds.


After I hung up from Alice I told Jake that Nessie wasn’t dead. He was as relieved as I was. So we just sat by the river and waited for Alice to come back to us. It was sun set before she finally returned with Demetri. “Demetri is helping us find Renesmee.” She smiled. I hugged her. “Thank you.” I said to him. “Okay so where do we start?” Jake asked. Demetri looked around. “He has taken her to the countryside almost out of Australia.” He said. Alice led us all to the car they had stolen on the way back. We all got in and Demetri took charge of driving.


I woke up not knowing how long I was asleep for. I tried to move my arms but I heard rattling. My arms were chained up. I was confused what was happening to me. My feet were locked in to the wall. I heard a door open. “Finally the bitch is awake.” A male voice growled. He yanked the chains making me almost topple over.  “I suppose you want feeding don’t you?” He said. I didn’t answer.

“If you don’t cooperate with me I will kill you so answer me now!” He hit across my face leaving a stinging feeling in my cheek. “Y...Yes.” I stammered. He untied my feet and threw me onto the floor. He disappeared coming back a few minutes later. He gave me a big cup of blood. “Drink every single bit otherwise I will kill you.” He yelled. I drank it in seconds waiting for him to speak. “good girl.” He smiled stroking my cheek. He pressed his lips on mine and I bit down on them. He punched me across the floor. “You will regret this I promise.” He snarled rushing out of the room coming back with a candle. “Hey woman I need you.” The caretaker woman came into the room smiling. He just looked at her with disgust. “Tie her hands and feet.” He ordered. She quickly did as he said and I was restrained again. “Now it is payback. When I kiss you, you enjoy it.” He lowered the candle to my hair. I could feel my scalp burning the pain was almost unbearable as I felt my hair singe. “Please stop.” I cried out. This just made him smile. He brought the candle down to my face and held it against my cheeks. I smelt burning skin and cried out again. He then seemed to get fed up and stopped. I sighed in relief hoping he would leave. I heard a light thud. He picked up whatever had dropped and looked through it. I heard him growl. “Who is this?” He yelled shoving the photo in my face. “It... it is my... family.” I said. I wish I could have lied. He couldn’t hurt them too. But the look in his eyes told me he didn’t have any sympathy. “This is my wife.” He screamed. “How do you know my wife?” I looked at the photo of grandma smiling. “She left me. She never told me where she was. I thought she was dead but obviously she is like me.” He raised his hand to my face and clenched his fist. I felt the full blow of the punch almost knocking backwards if I wasn’t tied. I could feel blood trickling down my nose. He licked my blood and I whimpered. “Please let me go.” I shivered. “You taste amazing.” He said. He scraped his sharp teeth down my neck cutting me and very roughly lapped up my blood. I could feel his teeth cutting all over me as he removed my jacket and dress. I was too woozy to do anything. I knew the woman was helping I could feel more teeth all over my body. I opened one of my eyes and could see blood everywhere. The man held a sharp knife. He started cutting down my chest and I fell into darkness.


Demetri stopped by a field. “We have to walk the rest.” He said. We all got out of the car and walked through the field and through a gate onto main roads. We then walked down rows of houses and stopped. I could hear slicing and I smelt a familiar scent. “Renesmee.” I snarled. We kicked down the door to see a vampire hanging over my daughter while her chest was completely opened up and her face was hardly recognised. Demetri ran quickly to the vampire holding him. “Alice? Edward? Get him.” He tried to move out of Demetri’s grip but he held him tight. I ran with Alice helping her tear his body to pieces. 

I heard Jacob on the phone. “Carlisle we need your help. It’s Nessie.” He said. He caught my eye and I almost felt sorry for him.

(Sequel to Young love forever) The Twilight Saga: Young Love Forever MoreWhere stories live. Discover now