Chapter 14. Honeymoon

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The woman stayed in my head. It was like alarm bells but I couldn’t figure out why. Even as Jacob came out of the shower towel drying his hair. He saw me sat at the small table outside with my head in my hands. “Are you okay?” He asked. I nodded looking up and smiled trying to hide what I saw. I knew he was way too protective and he would probably hunt the woman down.

“Let’s go out for breakfast.” I said changing the subject. Jacob got ready and we walked along the dirt path to the small glass cabin. A few other people we standing at the station waiting for the cabin car to stop. We lined up and waited for about three minutes then we saw it. The cabin was blue and yellow hanging from a wire high in the sky. I gulped and gripped Jacob’s hand. He just smiled back and whispered. “You are going to be fine.”

The cabin stopped and the glass doors slid open. We all walked onto the cabin and I held on tight to the poles trying not to look down or think about what could happen. The doors shut making me jump and I tightened my grip to the pole.

Jacob held onto me and I looked outside the window the sky was the clearest blue I had ever seen. As I looked down we passed forests of emerald trees and mud browns. It was a beautiful sight. The small wooden cabins were only slightly visible as we got higher in the air. I smiled at Jacob feeling slightly better. The cabin started floating down to the ground again.

There were normal paths leading from the station to the village. When we stepped off the cabin the sun glazed over us and I was thankful I wasn’t a full vampire. Jacob took my hand in his and we followed the path rowed with colourful, wild flowers. The village was only a short walk away as we passed a large stable and fields we saw a sign saying Blue Mountain Village. Behind the sign was a small cluster of shops surrounding a sparkly river and a sky of mountains.

We walked the short distance across the bridge and by the neat row of shops. The local residents waved at us friendly as we walked by. We carried on the same path until we reached two separate paths both spiralling in different directions. Two little signs pointed in both directions. One of them said Buttercup cafe and the other said fishing grounds. We followed the path to the cafe. And opened the wooden door that tingled as the bell rang.

The waitress guided us to a newly polished table set with a very neat pot of flowers next to the window. The sight was lovely. The river flowed all the way across the back of the cafe and the trees filled the very healthy meadow. Jacob took my hands staring into my eyes and I smiled back. We ordered breakfast and just sat in silence. This honeymoon had been the best experience in my whole life. I couldn’t believe in two weeks we would be leaving, going back to dreary Forks.

The days passed by very quickly. Jacob and I went horse riding around the field. Jacob couldn’t get the horse to move without the instructor around. I just giggled watching him. He didn’t enjoy it very much after that he sulked almost the whole day until we went hunting in the night. The animals in the wild were so much tastier than at home. We always waited till night to hunt since most people here were asleep by midnight. Jacob and I would hunt then go swimming in the sparkly river and retire to the cabin to sleep. In the day time we were packed with activities like mountain climbing. I couldn’t really do it very well Jacob had to help me and it was really embarrassing because I got really scared of being high up. We also went deep sea diving after taking another trip across the forest in the cabin that was so amazing. Jacob had an underwater camera so we got snaps of the fish and scenery. I couldn’t wait to show everybody all about it.

The last night came very suddenly and we were excited about the dance the company was holding. I searched my suitcase to find a sparkly purple dress and rolled my eyes as I read the note from Alice. I changed and brushed my curls into a bun. I then showed Jacob who was waiting in a very smart suit. He looked so serious I had to laugh. “What’s funny?” He asked. I shook my head.

“Nothing. Let’s go.” I said. We held hands as we followed another couple into a big building.

Inside the room was decorated with balloons and confetti. The ceilings had ribbons at each end and decorations draped the walls. The floor was filled with couples dancing and chatting. We walked into the room and took a bubbly glass from the stand. Some of the guests were helping themselves to the food around the tables. I sipped my drink carefully and then the man on the stage started talking.

“We welcome you all to the national Blue Mountain ball.” He said. The floor erupted in cheers and the man waited for it to quieten down. “We hope you all have a great time tonight. Don’t get too drunk.” He grinned. Everyone laughed and the band started playing an upbeat song. Jacob twirled me around him and we danced together.

The whole night was great fun. Some of the guests requested songs. Jacob had said he was going to the toilet and I had another drink but he came back a few minutes later looking proud of himself.

“Can a Mr Jacob Black come to the stage please. I repeat Jacob Black.” I looked at him wide eyed. Jacob readjusted his tie and walked to the stage holding my hand. “What did you do?” I whispered. Jacob let go of my hand at the bottom of the stage and walked up the steps to the stage. He took the microphone clearing his voice. The crowd cheered him as he sang the opening to our wedding song. I almost cried as he sang to me. I went onto the stage and held his hand while he sang.

This had been the best time of my life ever. I would never forget this ever.

He waited by the door watching the clock tick by. He checked his watch too in case the time was different. She was late and he was getting irritated. He looked at the clock once more before unlocking the door and scanning the street for any sign of her. She wasn’t there nor was she getting off the bus either. He stood by the door angry at her for being so late. How dare he disobey her? Who did she think she was?  She rushed down the street to get home before he would realise how late she was. She passed the little shop and met his angry hatred eyes.

(Sequel to Young love forever) The Twilight Saga: Young Love Forever MoreHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin