Chapter 4. Alice predictions/ shopping for the wedding

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Chapter 4. Alice’s predictions/ shopping for the wedding

I had spent half of the night telling Jacob what Alice had told me. He was very supportive and wrapped his arm around me. I knew he was nervous about seeing mom tomorrow and hearing what Carlisle was going to say. Alice looked impatient when we came down for breakfast that morning. “Morning Alice.” I said. She just turned to me and stared.

I looked at Jacob who shrugged his shoulders.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. I ran down the stairs and sat next to her in seconds.

“Renesmee, we are never going to plan this wedding in time if we don’t start today.” She said. I sighed. I really didn’t care much about the wedding, nothing against marrying Jacob but even he knew that I cared deeply about my mom and he would have understood if I had wanted to cancel or postpone it. Alice on the other hand was set for planning this wedding even though I had told her I didn’t want to do this she pleaded and pleaded until I couldn’t say no.

So that was today already planned. Jacob had to disappear for the day and Alice was taking me shopping to get decoration, flowers and whatever else we needed which I knew Alice wouldn’t miss out.

“Morning Renesmee, Jacob.” Esme had said when we walked into the kitchen. Alice was excited that I had given in but I made her promise that after all of this we would go to see mom in hospital, which Alice had agreed on as long as she could help choose. Anyway, Esme had cooked us bacon and eggs which was lovely. Jacob went home to his dad after he had eaten. He would be telling all of them details about the wedding which now had a date set.

After breakfast I put on my jacket and followed Alice to the car. We backed out of the garage and headed to the flower shop in the mall.

“Hello, can I help you?” The woman at the front desk asked us. The shop was full of flowers in vases and balloons with different messages on them.

“We are planning a wedding and would like to know your best selection of flowers.” I said. I had to tell Alice to shut up because she wanted to decide everything since she had seen something. I wasn’t interested at all so I told her to go look at the baskets to put flowers in.

“Oh ok then come this way.” The woman led me to the back of her shop which looked a little like a warehouse of flowers. She led me through various numbers of doors until we couldn’t go any further. “These are a popular choose of flowers for special occasions.” She pointed to a bunch of red and white roses wrapped together with a black ribbon. “They are lovely and they fit the colour scheme perfectly.” I whispered.

The woman smiled at me nicely. “Are they the kind you would like?” She asked. I nodded. “Urm, I have never done this before so...Urm what would the bridesmaids have?” I asked. The woman led me back into the main warehouse part again.

“We have baskets with rose petals in them for the bridesmaids or they can have a smaller bunch of roses.” She answered.

“Oh I like the thought of the rose petals, can they have both?” I asked. The woman nodded. “Of course.” She said.

We spent the next ten minutes organising how we want the flowers. Yes Alice was included in the discussion and she seemed happy with my choice.

After that we went to the bakery store and ordered a cake, well when I said me I mean Alice mostly. She flicked through the book asking professional question before deciding on her and mine, after I asked her to favourite.

By this time I was bored and starting to get a little tired, I had done everything Alice had wanted to but Alice still didn’t think it was enough. She dragged me around the car shop for three hours before deciding what car she wanted. We also went to the decoration shop where they specify in wedding decorations. I just stood there uncomfortably whilst Alice sorted things out with my permission of course.

“Ok that’s enough, It’s been six hours can we go see mom now?” I moaned. Alice rolled her eyes at me. “Urgh yes but we still have to get seating arrangements for the wedding and where everyone is going to eat. Oh and food menu’s.” She said.

“Can we do that tomorrow?” I asked. Alice nodded and we got into her car to drive to mom.

Even though it had only been overnight, mom seemed to be a lot bigger than before. Dad just sat by her holding her hand. As soon as I walked in they both smiled at me. “Hi mom, dad.” I said. I sat down on the chair next to dad. He looked rough as hell.

“How’s mom?” I asked.

“She is ok. She is a lot stronger than you think. Carlisle is very proud of her progress.” Dad whispered. Mom moved a tiny bit. “What you talking about?” She asked. She was quite big now but she didn’t seem to be in pain despite her being big. Dad was proud of her as well you could tell by the way he smiled at her.

“How’s the wedding coming along?” she asked. She turned to me but froze half way to adjust her pillows.

“You mean Alice’s wedding.” I said. Mom sighed loudly.

“Well put your foot down; tell her you want to make decisions.” She said. She kissed my head.

Just then Carlisle walked through the door. “Hello Renesmee.” He smiled before he put his clipboard down and examined mom.

“Bella seems to be doing well, she has been hunting a lot more recently and her eyes have stayed black for a long time now, but she is coping well and the baby seems to be doing well. We will get to see the sex of the baby in a couple of days. It seems the baby will be arriving in approximately 3 weeks so I hope you have sorted your wedding out and honeymoon.” Carlisle looked up and I blushed. Mom chuckled like dad.

“Actually I am not sure we haven’t spoken about it since Alice is so busy trying to take over.” I said. Carlisle rolled his eyes. “Yes I can imagine.” He mumbled.

I spent quite a lot of the night with mom and dad. Mom was to stay in the hospital again tonight and Carlisle was going to check up on her tomorrow to see if she could be released.

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