3 - Not You!

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When I wake up, my face feels dirty. I go to my bathroom and take a shower.

When I get out I find a note on my bed. ‘Come down stairs, mate or not we still are planning a wedding for Friday. No, there is not a suitable wolf found yet.’

I sigh and brush my hair out. I fix my shirt and shorts before heading down stairs.

In the living room Mom and a friend of hers sit around the coffee table planning out the wedding. I sigh and sit down.

May, Mom’s friend, looks up and smiles. “You might see this as a bad thing but it is still fun. You get to experience a wedding first hand. And if you do find your mate after wards then you will get the privilege of planning that wedding perfectly.”

I growl. “I don’t want to get married! Only reason why I would go through with this is because of our Alpha Honor! If I could run the pack alone I would but the Laws won’t allow it.”

Feeling angry and hateful I run out side and shift. Snow was falling again but wasn’t sticking yet. It was still a good camouflage for my snow white coat.

I run till I hit the border where I turn and run along it as always. I recognize a brown wolf as he joins me in my run. I growl at him warning him away. Matthew ignores it and follows me.

Annoyed, I link my mind to his. ‘Go away!’

Matthew nearly tripped at the command but continued anyways. ‘You’re not a full Alpha yet. I can still disobey. And I heard what is going on. I’ll have you now Tiffany.’

I growl and snap at him at he gets closer. ‘I won’t marry you. I don’t love you and I never did. I never lied to you either. You know that I dated you for the kissing and companionship. That was it Matthew. I never wanted anything else!’

Matthew growled. ‘I don’t care. You need someone to marry you so you can keep your place. I’ll find away and become the new Alpha.’

I growled at him and suddenly he lunged at me. With blinding speed he was on top of me with me on my back. His mouth was on my throat with teeth pressing into my life vain.

I held my breath as he spoke in my mind again. ‘You cannot deny what I want.  I may seem like the useless wimp but as you just saw, I am hiding my abilities and real personality. I do like you a lot for a strange reason but you are not my mate. Until I find her, you will do. So, unless you want me to hurt you or worse, you better start thinking of me as Alpha and yourself as Luna.’

He bites down enough to draw blood. Then he moved his mouth to my ear and tore the tip off. I yelped and within seconds he was out of sight. ‘And Tiffany, you were attacked by a rouge.’

The link severed and made the last word echo through my skull. Fear made the fur on the back of my neck stand up.

No wolf should be able to move faster than me. As a new Alpha, I am the fastest in the pack and even the fastest compared to the neighboring packs. For Matthew to be faster was bad. And for him to be faster that the blink of my eye was worse. He could kill me before I knew what happened.

I had better do as he asked till I can find a way out.

My ear burned and my neck felt wet so I walked home. One of the wolves I passed noticed and asked what happened.

I lied. ‘Rogue… I killed it though.’

It left a bad taste in my mouth. The wolf decided to help me walk home. By the time I was at the back door, my ear was scabbed over and my neck was healed. I sent the wolf away and went up to my room.

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