15 - Not A Reunion

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A whimper flies from my throat as I watch Matthew lunge at Dante. Dante dodges and bites onto Matthew’s throat.

With a single smooth movement, Dante twists his head and pulls. A large chuck of fur and meat come from Matthew’s neck. Matthew cries out but uses it as a distraction as he turns and latches onto Dante’s right shoulder.

Matthew pulls his head downward forcing Dante to fall to his side.  Matthew goes for Dante’s exposed throat only to be kicked in the stomach. Dante’s claws rake into Matthew’s tender belly before Dante rolls over back onto his feet.

Dante limps on his right shoulder showing that Matthew’s attack wasn’t entirely pointless. But with Matthew’s neck missing a chuck and bleeding and his belly bleeding, Dante has the upper hand.

Both wolves circle each other again but Dante makes the first move this time. In a blink he is clamped around the underside of Matthew’s neck. Matthew struggles to get away but Dante starts to turn his head.

Matthew turns with Dante but Dante notices it. In a second I see Dante jerk the opposite way ripping half of Matthew’s throat from his body.

Matthew’s eyes show fear and pain before they grow empty. His body collapses to the ground and blood flows from his neck.

Dante opens his mouth and drops Matthew’s neck from his teeth. He then turns to me and shakes his head. I walk up and on an urge I rub my body against his.

Dante turns his nose to the air, growls, and walks off.

I stand there in shock. I just showed affection and he walks off after growling at me!?

But my shock is short lived because a familiar wolf walks up to me.

His grey fur is still covered in dirt but his eyes are focused on Matthew’s blood.

I reach my mind out and find that his mind is no longer blocked. ‘Cole, are you ok? What has happened?’

Cole turns to me with a distant look. “Rouge almost killed Elizabeth. She’s in the hospital in a coma with machines breathing for her. So many members fill the hospital but Liz is in the worst shape out of them all right now.”

I sigh. ‘Well I will visit her soon. But she is only one of my major worries. Do we have anyone on patrol? And where are my parents.’

Cole turns away and walks up wit out answering. I shake my head and turn to my house. Regina and dad must be there.

On the way to my house I stop and shift and get dressed. Once at my house I go in and look for my parents. I finally find dad in his study. But he is asleep with his head on a book. He has lost weight and his hair is almost completely grey. Only a few strands of black hair remain.

 I leave him there and look for Regina. She is the one to get a mouth full from me.

I find her in the attic. Her back is turned towards the door. As I walk up silently I see her looking through photos. She has a trashcan next to her and she is slowly throwing away every single photo.

I snatch the photos from the trash and put them back in the box as my mom looks up at me.

Her eyes are filled with darkness as she stares at me in hate. I growl as a response to her. “What the hell are you doing? And why the f*ck are you beating the Omegas!?”

Regina growls at me. “You can’t not boss the Luna around! I can do as I please. And those mutts are only here as punching bags. They don’t go anything anyways. And who needs photos? Who needs memories? Who needs a past?”

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