11 - Lost Luck

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  • Dedicated to my loyal readers :)

I woke up early the next morning. I found a small backpack and put some shorts and a t-shirt in it. I didn’t bother getting dressed though. I just shifted in my room, picked up the bag, and went outside. I turned north and started walking.

I’m going to follow Aaron’s idea and meet Dante in my human. But for Dante to come I have to howl, hence my wolf form.

As I began to near the border Wiley showed up in my path. His teeth showing in a wolfy grin. ‘So off to meet with a rogue. Maybe see if the bad boy is your mate?’

I nodded. ‘Yes, and hopefully he is. Otherwise I’m screwed big time. I’m running on a very short time limit and don’t have any more time to be looking for my mate.’

Wiley’s face transformed into hurt. ‘So if he is does that mean you have to leave?’

I sighed and looked away. ‘My pack is in danger and with or without my mate I have to go back before Friday. I’m out of time and if I don’t go back then I’ll have to start a war and I don’t have an army. I only have a few friends and that’s it.’

Wiley looked down. ‘Ok, well then I pray for the best of news. Don’t leave without telling me bye.’

Wiley turned and disappeared into the woods behind me. I sighed and started walking again. As soon as I felt the border’s shiver pass I started a slow run.

I start to recognize the smell left over from my last visit. I snivel up my nose at the stench that comes from Matthew’s mark. After a while the smell’s path makes a U-turn and heads back to the pack.

I stop here, sit on my haunches, and let out a howl. It’s filled with desperation and worry as I cry into the sky. Once I’m done, I quickly go behind a large tree and shift and get dressed.

Once dressed I sit on a nearby rock and wait. Dante doesn’t take long to appear in some shadows.

Once I see him I nodd. “Maybe I can ask for more help if I don’t get the answer I’m seeking.”

Dante steps into the light and shakes his head making the black fur on his body quiver. His eyes show slight pain and anger. ‘And wait makes you think seeing me in your human is going to help you?’

As the words are spoken through my mind, I feel a warms radiate from the link. I smile. “I don’t know. Why don’t you see for yourself if you doubt me?”

Dante snorted. ‘Child’s play. I’m not going to shift for you. Who told you to come out here anyways?’

I laughed under my breath. “An Omega and a very old and gruff black wolf with blue and purple eyes by the name of Aaron. I recall the meeting as slightly unpleasant but helpful.”

Dante raised a lip and showed some teeth. ‘So you found my father and he sent you thinking that I need a mate? What if I already have one? What then?’

The question caught me off guard. Dante continues, noticing my pause. ‘Exactly. You would lose me as a possible ally and thus causing your pack to suffer for your mistake.’

Getting annoyed, I huff. “I doubt you have a mate with the way your acting. You’d think that you would be nicer being, I only asked for help and you’re the one who didn’t put much of a price. At least your dad didn’t charge me for his help like everyone else has been.”

Dante’s jaw dropped. But she snapped his mouth shut and turned away from me. ‘Fine, I’ll shift to stop your chattering then I will be back to my business.’

Dante disappeared in a blink. I waited and a few moments later a tall man with jet black hair appeared. I took in his flat stomach and sighed in relief when I saw the black jeans on him. I looked back at his eyes and recognized the purple hue.

Dante growled and dig his hands into his pockets. “Happy now? Wasting my time just to see me in my human. Now I have to go.”

Dante turned away and started walking. Something in my heart snapped and I jumped up. “Wait!”

As the word rang through the trees, a visible shiver ran down Dante’s spine.

He stopped in his tracks and huffed. He turned around slowly and looked straight into my eyes. “Why should I?”

Taking a deep breath I stepped forward. “You know why. Don’t tell me that you don’t. Don’t lie to me. I can see it.”

His eyes showed nothing but I could tell he was angry but sad. Dante looked away. “Say it then. If you really think its true then prove it.”


The word is barely audible but I can tell from Dante’s reaction that it’s true.

I watch as he clinches his hands and looked at me. “Mate.” He whispers it to the wind.

A feel warmth fill me as I look at his back. The muscles are clenched up and his fisted balled tight.

Slowly he turns and looks at me again. His face is emotionless but his eyes show… Joy? I believe I see happiness in his eyes.

“You’ve heard all my problems. What do you say about helping me?”

Dante unclenches his fasts and sighs. “You have till Thursday to leave. It’s Wednesday in the middle of the afternoon. I think that Tomas should be notified and you let that Omega know. Aaron still needs his repayment but he’ll wait till he can reap it from you. We will leave tomorrow morning. Tonight we send out messages and get the group together. Willshay will have to deal with a rogue in his home for tonight.”

I nodd and smile slightly. “I’ll talk to Wiley and Willshay while you talk to Tomas and Nime.”

Dante nodded and turned away again. “I’ll be at the pack house when I’m done.”

I nodd and watch as Dante disappears. Once out of sight I let my face grown into a large smile.

I found my mate in time. And now I can go save my family and my pack.

I excitedly shift without stripping and rip those clothes to shreds.

I start to run back in the direction of the pack.

I’m too overly excited to notice when I pass into the territory. I wouldn’t even know where I was at if it weren’t for Wiley who appears at my side.

His mind links to mine and stopped me in my tracks. ‘What’s the rush?’

I stop and turn to Wiley as my face is covered in a large wolf grin. ‘You rascal. I guess I lose the bet but it’s a good thing. I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I need to talk to Willshay and then tomorrow we leave to save my family and my pack.’

Wiley gave me a confused look. ‘So you mean I was right? As in Dante being your mate?’ Suddenly his voice turns into a mutter. ‘Well that kinda sucks.’

I tilt my head. ‘What do you mean by that? How does that suck?’

Wiley’s eyes grow large before he looks away and pretends to cough. ‘Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about. You better go talk to the Alpha before long.’

I study him for a moment before turning away. ‘Ok then. Good bye.’

Wiley mutters in my mind before the link fades away. I begin walking to the main house again.

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