24 - Marked Again

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~*Tiffany’s POV*~

I sit in the Omega kitchen as May sits next to me and pats my back. Wiley paces on the other side of the table.

Teresa sets a glass of tea in front of me. “Everything will be fine. Dante probably didn’t realize what he was doing. Some rogues tend to reject their mate from their mind but the heart clings on. He will come around.”

Wiley rolls his eyes. “Yeah if that’s what you think happened then ok. I think Dante can’t take it that he has a mate and is a coward. And what are we going to do when Willshay finds John dead?”

A gruff voice from the door way speaks up. “He will deal with it and understand it as an Alpha protecting his mate.”

Wiley jumps and we all look at the door way to see Dante. His hands have dried blood on them and freshly healed skin.

I look at Dante. “I thought you said to forget about it.”

Dante frowns and walks into the kitchen. “Excuse me for barging in. And I was over reacting. I’ve had a troubled past and sometimes it rears its ugly head. And Wiley, I am not a coward.”

Teresa frowns and looks at Dante. “Do I know you?”

Dante looks at her and frowns. “Don’t bother trying to remember Teresa. If you’re met you know then you will. And as for you, Tiffany, can you explain to me what happened?”

I sigh and explain everything up to when Dante burst into the room.

When I finish he sighs and sits down. “I guess we need to do something because I need to back to the pack soon.”

Wiley makes a face. “In less you’re going to stick around, the only choice is marking, and that’s not gona happen in this house.”

I look at Wiley. “Matthew marked me and nothing happened. Why is that such a problem?”

Wiley narrows his eyes at Dante. “You’re mated to Dante. It’s different than a simple position mark that Matthew left on you. You should know that if you were an Alpha.”

I swallow guiltily. “I didn’t finish all of my training. Dad was leaving some parts for later for when I will need them.”

Teresa shakes her head. “Oh dear. Well for the marking of mates, you’ll need a room to yourselves.”

Dante rolls his eyes. “I didn’t want to mark her till we were both ready. So we need to figure something else out.”

Wiley laughs suddenly. “You’re not ready? Wow you really are a coward.”

Dante growls. “I didn’t mean like that! I mean I’m not ready to mark her because I just not accepted her completely. Now shut your mouth you hyena before I shut it for you!”

I make a face as I finally realize what it is they are talking about. “Whoa, I am not ready for that in any manner. I may have dated before I found Dante but never that. I rather have another mark like what Matthew left then that.”

May is made to leave the room by Teresa. “Enough! Tiffany, since we have agreed on Dante not marking you yet, why don’t we have another male mark you until you are higher up in the ranks or until you are settled with Dante?”

Dante growls at this. “I would prefer no one else to mark her if you don’t mind.”

Wiley suddenly smiles. “Well, I had the idea from the start as a protection thing. Why don’t I? I don’t have a mate yet, and you know I won’t try anything and you both know me.”

Dante looks at Wiley. “The first time you lay your paws or hands on her, you will lose the tail between your legs.”

I make a face. “Don’t I have a right to say something?”

Dante looks at me. “Yes, but we are trying to figure out our choices in the matter.”

I roll my eyes. “Look I’ll let Wiley mark me if it mean I will be left alone. And when were ready you can replace it with your mark. Now that it’s settled can we get this over with?”

Wiley smirks and Dante growls.

Wiley walks over and holds out his hand. “Well so that lover boy will chill out, I will mark your hand. And that way this will be over with like you want.”

Dante huffs as I lay my hand in Wiley’s. I watch as he lifts my hand to his mouth where he bites me.

I yelp as I feel the mark burn into the back of my hand. Wiley let go of me and I yanked my hand back. I look at it and it begans to heal. On the back of my hand there is a light grey spot that with makeup, I could cover it up easily.

Dante grabbed my hand and sniffed it before letting me go.

I look at him strangely as he leaves without another word.

Wiley smiles widely. “Finally the asshole leaves. About time he tucked tail and ran.”

Teresa smacks Wiley in the back of the head. “You really should act better than that. Marking Tiffany probably hurt him a lot. What if your mate is out there and marked by some other guy.”

Wiley whimpers and looks at me. “I’m sorry Tiffany.”

Teresa puts her hands on her hips and watches Wiley leave. “I raised my son better than that. There is no reason for him to act like that.”

I smile a little. “It’s ok. He’ll straighten out when I’m gone. I think he likes me.”

Teresa mumbles. “Hmmm. Either way the boy needs to act right. You’re probably exhausted from today. Go on up to your room and rest up.”

I nodd and obey Teresa’s command.

The next day I’m back to doing chores but I notice that the males act differently around me. They stiffen when I am around and don’t talk to me except for giving orders.

When I go home, I ask Teresa about it.

She looks at me and smiles. “Every wolf respects the mate laws. If you are unmarked then you are considered free game. But when a mark is placed and your scent changes, they will respect you as someone’s mate and will not treat you like a piece of meat.”

I nodd. “Ok. Well hopefully I get to be promoted soon. I’ve been working my ass off.”

Teresa sighs. “It may be a while. Just give it time child. Willshay is a busy wolf and without his mate, a lot rests on his shoulders.”

I frown. “I know how that feels. Well, I better get back to work. Joseph needs his garage swept and his brother needs me to clean house before they get back. Then I have to go to the single houses and pick up there.”

Teresa watches as I leave the house. Once outside, I walk to the first house and begin the rest of a very long day.

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