26 - Settling the Pack

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I wake up to a knock on my door. I answer the door to find Wiley standing there. “Fight between a warrior and one of our pack members near the single’s houses.”

I roll my eyes. “What’s the wolf’s rank here?”

Wiley frowns, “Average wolf. But he was a warrior.”

I take a deep breath. “I’ll be back.”

I run outside and shift as I run toward the fight. When I get there, I don’t bother to stop and watch I just tackle whoever is on top. Both wolves get up and look at me as I am standing between them. One wolf bows his head to me while the other growls.

I growl back. ‘Enough with the fighting. What is the problem?’

The wolf with his head bower speaks up. ‘Excuse me ma’am. It was a simple disagreement with my current ranking. You know what I speak of.’

I sigh. ‘I do. While I am here, everyone is under Dante’s command in my old pack. But here you still obey Willshay. Spread the word that anyone else who starts a fight over their rank will be punished once we leave here. Do you understand?’

The bows his head. ‘Yes Luna.’

The wolf turns and leaves. The warrior wolf behind me growls again. ‘You are not Luna.’

I sigh. ‘While here in this pack, I am not. I belong to another pack but to complete a mission, I have had to join this one. While here I am peacekeeper. But back home with my family and my mate, I would be Luna. And members of your pack came from my mate’s pack before it fell apart. Please, do me a favor and pass along to others who belong to only your pack and Willshay that they need to please try to avoid any fights. The wolves will soon leave when I leave so you only have to put up with them for a few days.’

The wolf nodds. ‘I understand. I apologize. You must understand that this memory of the Dark Pack has brought many fights all over the pack. But I will make sure that your messages will be passed around. It’s all I can do for one that has such great responsibility.’

I bow my head in thanks before heading back to the Omega house.

This is how the next few days go. Cleaning up fights, issuing orders, and trying to get ranked up.

Finally after a week, I find myself in Willshay’s office again. Willshay is looking at me strangely. “You and your mate have caused a lot of problems in my pack. But you have also been very helpful. Most of my members are very lazy and never do their job. But I have heard a lot about you. I was going to rank you up to Gamma. But I also know that Gamma and Beta are the same as Alpha, but with less work. And you know what it like is to be an Alpha. So I will do us both a favor. Take your pack members and go home. I will send a message around for your members. Just remember that they will not be welcome back. Good luck to you and your pack Alpha Tiffany.”

I take a deep breath and smile. “If you need anything, my pack will be happy to help. I hope that we can build an alliance between us.”

Willshay sighs. “Let us get settled again and then we will discuss an alliance. Go home and see your mate.”

I smile and bow to Willshay before leaving. I head straight home and run into the kitchen and hug Teresa. “We’re going home!”

Teresa smiles. “I hope you have plenty of houses.”

I laugh. “We built extra when we moves because we lost many of our members. I wasn’t around long enough to see who was left though.”

Teresa nodd. “That is fine. I will start packing things.”

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