The Beginning

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                                                        Chapter Song: The beginning by ONE OK ROCK

"Bye mom. Bye dad", Brooke and I hugged our parents good-bye just before boarding our flight to Long Beach, California.

We have been planning what we were doing after high school since we ere in 6th grade. Go to Long Beach to open a music studio with the money we saved up. We even opened lemonade stands every week end that year. We raised nearly $250 worth of lemonade. In 7th grade we still had our lemonade stand. Our lemonade was so famous in our small town that people would come every weekend to my house, where we had our lemonade stand, to have a cup of our home-made lomonade. We made about $300 that year. In 8th grade, we became more and moe busy with school, that we could only open our stand every other weekend. By the end of the year, we only made around $165 also because winter lasted longer than usual that year. In 9th grade, we decided that the lemonade stand by itself wouldn't mae us enough money. The online world was our key. We thought that if we sold some of our old toys and things we didn't really use anymore online, we would mae some more cash. Boy were we right! By the end of that year, we made over $600 selling old toys, clothes, nick-nacks, and other random stuff we never used. Basically, by the end of high school, we had enough money to buy an apartment and studio. We were so proud of ourselves and so were our parents.

Oh, I forgot to intruduce myself, didn't I? Well my name is Ellie. My best friend is Brooke. We both grew up in a small town called Woodpin, Oklahoma. I haven't really ever had a real boyfriend before. I mean I have had one before. His name was Luke, but I never really loved him or anything. Brooke has had a couple of bofriends, but I mean you can't blame her. She is a really beautiful girl. She had every guy at our school at her feet. I myself are more of a serious-relationship kind of gal.I guess I just haven't really found that special guy yet.

Brooke and i said our last god-byes to our parents. Brooke said bye to her little brother. I am an only child, but i still said good-bye to kevin, Brooke's little brother. He was like my own brother. I was gonna miss them, but at least I still had Brooke with me. We gave our tickets to the lady at the stand. We first have to make a stop in Utah, then get on another plane to California. We got onto the small plane and put our carry-ons under our seats and our bigger suitcases in the over-head compartments (we didn't pack much because we're going to California! We're doing a whole lot of clothing shopping!).

"Well. This is it," I said looking to Brooke who was sat in the chair next to me by the window, "Our dreams are coming true. We're finally gonna open our studio!"

"I'm so excited! I cant wait to see all those cute California guys," Brooke said smiling.

"Not until we open up the studio, Brooke! We pinky swore," I scolded.

"Fine," Brooke jokingly pouted, folding her arms ontop of her chest.

I let out a small laugh, then put my earphones into my ears and plugged them into my ipod. I let my heavy eyes close and i fell into a deep sleep.


"Ellie. Ellie wake up," I opened my eyes to Brooke shaking my shoulder.

"Okay, okay. I'm up," I laughed rubbing my eyes before grabbing my bag that stuffed under my seat and shoved my earphones and ipod in. I took my suitcase from Brooke who already grabbed when grabing hers from over-head.

"Thanks," I said smiling at her.

"No problem," she replied before grabbing my arm, "now c'mon before we miss our next flight!"

We scrambled out of the plane, and ran to our next gate to the plane that'll take us to Cali. Or at leat tried running to the gate. I ended up running straight into a hard wall. Wait, since when do walls wair shirts? I stummbled back, but just before my bum could come into contact with the hard ground, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Oh, jeez. I'm sorry. I guess i wasn't looking where I was going." I said looking down grabbing my bag from off the floor slowly looking up.

"It's alright. It was my falt, I wasn't paying atten-" the guy stopped talking when our eyes met.

He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen and light brown hair. He was absolutely gorgeous. We stared at each other for what felt like forver until he broke the silence.

"Um.. uh.. I.. here," he stutttered as he helped me grab my suitcase.

For a split second, our hands touched, and i'm not even joking when I say i felt electricity run up my arm.

"T-Thanks," I said as i took my bag from his hand.

"So where are you headed," he asked

"Uh.. Lo-" but before I could finish, Brooke was pulling me away from the cute guy.

"Hurry up! we're gonna miss our plane," Brooke said as she pulled me toward the gate.

As we gave our tickets to the lady behind the desk, I took a glance behind me to see if i could find the cute guy that helped me, but he was nowhere in sight. I sighed knowing that I would never see the cute and really sweet guy ever again.

Or so I thought......

-----A/N So what do you think? I know its not very long or that good, but trust me. It gets better!-----

P.S I'll probably update tomorrow.

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