Chapter 4: I Don't Know But.....

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                                                           Chapter Song: Fallin For You by Colbie Caillat

"Hey Brooke, can we talk?" I asked Brooke who was busy adding the final touches to her make up.

"Sure. What's up?"

"So um.. Yesterday when I went on that date with Hunter, we kinda made out and then he-" she cut me off before I could finishing sentence.

"Oh Em Gee! Give me the details! Did he use tongue?! Was is amazing?! Did he-" I stopped her before she could bombard me with a million more questions.

"Wow. Wait let me finish. So after we kissed, I told him that me and you re kinda in the middle of opening a music studio an that we don't want any distractions. So he told me about how he and his friends are also opening a studio and that we should like open one together because the more people we have to help around, the better." I explained to her what had happened yesterday at the movies with Hunter.

"So what do you think?" I asked, hoping for the answer that I wanted so desperately.

"Oh my God! I think it's an amazing idea! Does this mean that we can date again? I haven't kissed a guy in like a week," Brooke whined.

I lightly laughed at her before answering her question.

"Yes Brooke. You can go get a guy to stick his tongue down your throat," I said sarcastically, as I rolled my eyes.

"Yay! So when do we get to meet his friends," Brooke asked with a smirk.

"Ugh my God! Brooke! Can you Go a week without letting a guy eat your face?!?"

"Whatever. I'm gonna go grab some Chinese takeout. You want anything," she asked, as she grabbed her phone and wallet from the table.

"Ya sure. Just get me whatever you're getting."

"M'kay. See you in a few, Ellie," she said as she made her way out the door.

"Bye." I shouted back just as the door slammed shut.

My phone rang a few hours later. Brooke and I ate our food and watched whatever was one T.V.

"Hello," I asked into the phone.

"Hey, it's Hunter."

"I know, Hunter. I do have caller I.D," I joked with him.

"Ha ha. Well anyway, do you and Brooke want to come to my place tomorrow to meet the rest if my friends and talk about opening the studio?"


"Great. I'll text my address and we'll see you then."

"Great. Bye."

"See ya."

"Hey Brooke. Tomorrow we're going over to Hunter's place to meet his friends and discuss everything about the studio. That alright with you?"

"Yup! Can't wait to meet his friends," she joked.

I rolled my eyes and got up to beush my teeth and get ready for bed. I can't wait for tomorrow! I had only been away from Hunter for a few days and it'll felt like forever. I mean, I hardly know him! Gosh I was getting feelings for him really fast. Sometimes, that isn't the best thing. You never know what might happen...


"Brooke c'mon!! We're gonna be late," I yelled to Brooke who was in her room getting ready to go to Hunter's.

"Okay. I'm ready," she said coming out of her room with a smile on her face.

"Okay. Did you call the taxi?"

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