Chapter 2: Sweet Dreams

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          Chapter Song: Paper Weight by Joshua Radin & Schuyler Fisk (this song is obnoxiously cute)

Brooke and I took our seats on the plane. She, of course, took the window seat. As I was putting my suitcase into the over-head compartment above our seats, someone bumped into me causing my suitcase to drop from my hands.

"Dammit," I mutter to myself.

"Shit, I'm sorry. Here let.. oh you again," the cute guy from the airport says to me grabbing onto my suitcase and putting it in the compartment.

"Thanks," I say putting my head down to cover my burning face to he didn't see my tomato red face.

"Hi I'm Hunter," He smiles, gently shaking my hand.

"I'm Ellie," I say smiling back.

"So, you're going to Long Beach," He says taking a seat in the third seat of our row, the last seat.


"Have family you're visiting there?"

"No. Actually me and my best friend Brooke," I say motioning to Brooke who is sat next to me with her earphones in her ears, "Are moving down there to open up a music studio. What about you?" I ask.

"Whoa, that is so weird. Me and my three friends are moving up there to do the exact same thing" He says gaping down at me.

"Whoa that is so weird. Are your friends already in Long Beach?"

"Actually, they're a few rows behind us."

We continued talking the rest of the plane ride. We exchanged numbers and got to know each other really well. Hunter Green is 19 years old from Salt Lake City, Utah. He and his three best friends Owen, Emmett, and Marc all grew up together and have planned on buying a studio in California since Middle School. They decided in 10th grade for it to be in Long Beach. Did I mention he's so hot?! Anyway, as Hunter got up to go to the bathroom, Brooke ripped her earphones out of her ears and turned to me grinning.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh em gee he is so hot!" She squealed/whispered.

"I know, and he is going to Long Beach to open up a music studio with his 3 friends. Hella crazy coincidence!" I said laughing.

"Oooh! He has friends with him too," Brooke cheekily smirked.

"Oh no. NO distractions! We promised."

"Ugh fine." She pouted, slouching down into her seat just as Hunter came back.

The rest of the ride went smoothly. We chatted some more and Hunter flirted with me making me blush a few times. No, I can't fall for him.


Once landing in Long Beach, we got off the plane and into the airport ready to make a reservation at a hotel until we found the right apartment.

Just before walking out the revolving doors, someone grasped my hand. I turned around to see Hunter with a few guys behind him, probably the friends he was talking about.

"Hey. I know this is kinda sudden and we just met, but would you like to go see a movie tomorrow night or something?" He asked, his husky voice making me melt.

"I'd love to," I smiled.

"Great! What hotel are you staying at?"

"Grey-Belle Hotel."

"Cool. So I'll pick you up at 6:00?"

"Sounds good."

"Ok. I guess I'll see you later then."

"See you later."

And with that, we went our separate ways.

"No-distractions my ass," Brooke smirked, raising her right eye-brow.

"Oh, c'mon. It's just one date," I said defensively, throwing my hands in the air as we walked into the streets waiting for a taxi.

"Mhmm," she muttered under her breath as she slung her arm over my shoulder.

I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"Someone's falling in love," Brooke sang as we finally stopped a taxi.

"Oh, whatever," I shook my head, laughing at my crazy friend.

When we arrived to the hotel, we were both really tired. We decided to order room service and watch some movies we packed along with us. I ordered some pasta and an orange juice. Brooke ordered stir-fry noodles and a coke. We both got a chocolate cake to share and watched The Notebook while we ate.

Just before I fell asleep that night, my phone buzzed. I unlocked it and opened my messages to see a new message from Hunter:

"Sweet Dreams, Beautiful."

I felt my face turn red as I smiled before putting my phone onto the bedside table and drifting off to sleep to the sound of Hunter's husky voice and bright blue eyes

 ---- A/N This onne is kinda short. Tell me what you think! ----

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