Chapter 8

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||  I've decided to upload a picture of my favorite quote in at least every chapter so enjoy Red Foreman and enjoy this chapter:) ||

Then day went pretty slow; unloading the intruments into the studio, setting up shelves to put tutorial books, and doing other furnishing. Around lunch time, we all went to the local cafe and grabbed sandwiches and salads. I caught Emmett looking at me a few times, but i just brushed it off, though I still had this lingering feeling that I wasn't being told something. I decided to u front Marc.

"Hey Emmett. Uh- is there something going on that I don't know about?"

"What do you mean," he rambled on, "do you mean painting the walls cuz I told Owen that it was a bad idea but-" I cut him off

I laughed, "No, I mean- I- just never mind," I stuttered before awkwardly walking away.

"Okay, if you need anything don't hesitate to come to me."

I didn't turn around, I just waved my hand at him and continued up the stairs to go to the second floor.
I walked over to Brooke and pulled her away from talking to Marc.

"Hey, woah, dude what's wrong," she asked, a look of shock spread across her face.

"Are you guys hiding something from me," I asked quite frustrated.

"What are you talking about? You know I'd never hide anything from you," she said, cocking her head to the side with a confused look on her face. "Why are you so mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you, I just feel like everyone is keeping something from me," I said, relaxing my once tense body.

"Well, sorry to break it to you, but I have no answer to your suspitions," Brooke said giving m a weak smile.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Sorry for freaking you out," I suppressed a laugh.

"It's alright," she said squeezing my arm and giving me a friendly smile. "Wanna get some lunch?"

I smirked at her knowing exactly where we would be going.

"You know me so well, Brookie pie," I said, before her arm and pulling it toward the stairs.

"Did someone say lunch," Owen said. That kid could eat a lot, but I had no idea where he put it. He was extremely slender and tall. Damn his fast metabolism. I eat one brownie and it ends up siting on my thighs

"Sorry Owen, but this is a girls-only outing," Brooke said, whilst twitching her finger around in the air in a "uh-uh" motion that you might do to a little kid.


We pulled into a parking spot at Panera and made out way into the heavenly smelling building. The aroma of fresh soup and vegetables infused my nostrils and left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I always thought of thanksgiving at grandmas when we came in because the mix of smells reminded me of our holidays at my grandparents house.

Brooke and I made this our special hiding place in high school during lunch when we needed to escape all the drama and exhaustion of it all. I'd say 'broccoli soup' and she's get her car keys out and we'd be on our way.

We walked up to the counter and pointlessly looked over the menu. We both already knew what we wanted. We practically had the menu memorized from how many times we'd come here.

We put in our order and sat down at a table at the very back of the café and talked about random things while waiting for our food. Brooke grabbed our food when is was ready and we ate whilst rambling on about random things and places we need to go shopping at later in the day.

Half an hour later we headed back to the studio to grab our jackets and bags before heading off to the mall.

"Oh, can I come! I wanna see the panties you girls pick out," Owen said, with a sly, childish  smirk.

"Piss off, you perv," I said, rolling my eyes and half smiling.

"Actually, I need to go to a few shops, so I'll tag along. If you guys don't mind," Marc said, before running into the back room probably to grab his jacket.

I had a feeling he was only coming to be around Brooke. They would actually make a really freakin cute couple. I think they might be my OTP. What the hell, did I just use OTP in a sentence?! I need to stop going to Starbucks. And I need to stop having conversations with myself in my head.

"Am I going to be third wheeling? 'Cause that's way too awkward and I hate walking behind slow people, and it seems that you'll be slowed down by nibbling on each other's ears," I joked.

Brooke rolled her eyes and pulled Marc by the wrist of his hoodie out the door.

"I'll come with you, babe," Hunter said, pulling me to his side. It was kind of comforting, but for some reason he made me feel uneasy. I quickly pushed the feeling to the back of my mind and smiled up at him, then gingerly placing a kiss on his cheek. His stubble pricked my lips like needles and made me wince. Thankfully he didn't notice.

"You gonna come, Emmett," I asked him, struggling in Hunter's grip to turn back to him.

"Nah, I'll stay here for a bit. Maybe I'll catch up with you guys later, though." 

I gave him a weak smile before turning my head forward again as we walked out the from door of the studio.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Hunter," I said, wriggling out of his tight hold before he bruised me.

"What, babe," he laughed innocently.

"You know what. Dumbass," I said before angrily pushing his hand off me and pushing his shoulder, making him stumble slightly.

I walked to Owen's side. I knew the others heard the whole thing, but I didn't care. I was pissed. Owen squeezed my shoulder and gave me a friendly smile. I smiled back and we all continued walking down the busy street to the city mall in awkward silence.

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