Chapter 5: Complicated...

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                                                        Chapter Song: Complicated by Avril Lavigne

----Here it is! Enjoy!----

Ellie's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open due to the light peaking through the window and onto my eyes. I turned my head, expecting to see Hunter laying beside but he wasn't there. I got up and roamed around the flat. I didn't know exactly where I was going, but I hear Hunter's voice. I followed his deep voice into the kitchen where he was leaned forward against the sink, back to me. I wasn't gonna stay there and eavesdrop, I swear! But his words caught my ear.

"Okay, I'll see you later. I... Love you too. Whatever. Bye."

Umm..... Ok. Maybe it's his.... Mom? He wouldn't... I mean he kissed me! I don't know what we are at the moment, but he wouldn't do... Whatever. I'm not gonna jump to conclusions. We're just going to have to wait and see what that phone call was all about. For now, I need to quickly get back to the couch before Hunter catches me standing here.

I snuck back into the living room and crawled back under the blanket and layer back on the couch, setting my head upon the pillow Hunter must have put there when he got up. Just in the knick of time, Hunter walked into the room. I closed my eyes, pretending I was sleeping as Hunter came over to me. I felt his warm lips kiss my forehead then his hands gently shook my shoulders.

"Ellie," he drawled, whispering into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers up my spine.

I slowly rose from the couch, stretching my arms in the air. I opened my eyes to his beautiful face. His hair was a mess, which only made him look even hotter. Damn. There is no such thing as a 'Bad hair day' with him, is there?

"Good morning, beautiful," he said with his husky morning voice, smiling.

" Good morning," I said, trying to sound as if I just woke up.

"I'm gonna make us some breakfast. You just sit here and relax and watch some TV," he said as he switched on the TV and set the remote on the coffee table in front of me. Hunter made his way back into the kitchen to make us breakfast and I sat back in the couch and flipped through the channels, settling on Spongebob.

About 10 minutes into one of my favorite Spongebob episodes, I heard the door knock. Hunter must not have heard it, being in the kitchen, so I decided to see who it was. I walked over to the door and swung it open, only to be greeted by a tall, thin girl with big brown eyes and brown hair. She wore dangerously short denim shorts, a stripped tank top, and black flip flops. She stared at me in confusion for a moment, then her face turned angry. Then she opened her lip gloss lips and spoke.

"Umm. Who are you, exactly," she asked, sounding irritated.

"I could ask the same to you," I said harsher than I intended to be.

"Ugh. I'm Hunter's girlfriend, Kristy. Now who are you and what are you doing in my boyfriend's," by now, her face was red with anger. ----Kristy in the picture to the right----

"Oh. Girlfriend. Really? Hmm. Well I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'll be on my way. But could you tell Hunter something for me? Tell him that Ellie thinks he's a total prick and that she never wants to see him again," I said as Made my way to the coffee table to grab my phone and hotel room card. Then I walked back to the door, walked right past Kristy and out the door. Once I heard the door slam shut, I burst into tears. I'm such and idiot! Hunter is the biggest jerk on the face of the planet! He fucking kissed me while he has a girlfriend?! What the hell!! He cheated on his girlfriend with me! I can't believe him! I can't believe I believed that he really liked me! I'm so stupid!

I made my way out Hunter's apartment building and waited for a cab. I wiped the tears away that rushed out of my eyes.

I really liked him too. Dammit. Owen, Emmett and Marc must have known that he has a girlfriend. Why didn't they say anything when they saw Hunter and I come out of his bedroom? I'm so Confused right now. I just want to go home and ball my eyes out into my pillow. Oh my God... What am I going to tell Brooke? 'Hey Brooke. I made out with a guy that has a girlfriend' !? Oh my God. She's gonna think I'm a total slut.

A cab finally pulled over and I swung the door open and hopped in. I told the driver the hotel name and within seconds, we were off. He must of seen me crying through the rear- view mirror, because then next thing he said caught me off guard.

"Guy troubles," he asked as I looked up, "Eh, forget about love. I got married 6 times thinking they all cared about me."

"I'm so sorry to hear," I said, sympathy clear in my voice.

"Don't be. I should be sorry that I ever thought love was real," he said, shaking his head.

The rest if the ride to the hotel was silent. When we pulled over beside the hotel front doors, I payed the cab driver and got out and made my way through the doors and up to my room. Once I got inside, I ran straight to Brooke's room. I jumped onto her bed and wrapped my arms around her, buried my head into her chest, and started crying again. Wow... What a drama queen I am! I must be PMSing. Brooke was sitting in her bed with her computer and earphones in her ears. She quickly took out her earphones and wrapped her arms around me.

"Ellie what's wrong?!"

"Hunter. Is a fucking. Jerk. That's what," I said between sniffles.

"What did he do?! You guys were getting on fine yesterday," she said, confusion in her voice.

"The jerk has a girlfriend! He cuddled with me and he has a girlfriend! He kissed me and he has a girlfriend! I don't ever want to see him again," I said, crying harder.

"It's okay. He's just a dick. He doesn't deserve your tears, hun. C'mon, let's get you to your room and out of these clothes," she said, helping me up and over to my room.

I got to my room and changed out of my clothes and into some sweats and a tank top. I picked up my guitar and decided to just sit on my bed all day and write some songs. I love writing. It's just a way that u can get things out. I turned off my phone for the day and just wrote my heart out.


That night, before I went to bed, my phone rang (I had turned it on after I got out of the shower and got dressed for bed). I picked it up and read the name. Hunter. I pressed the green button and waited for him to say something.

"Ellie wait. Before you say anything, I just want you to hear me out. I can explain-," I cut him off before he could finish. I'm not taking his shit.

"There's nothing to explain, Hunter. You cheated on your girlfriend and you lied to me. Just leave me alone," I said, just before I hung up and set my phone back in my side table and and got into bed.

Maybe Brooke is right. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Right now, I just wanna sleep and forget all about today. I let my eyes close shut and waited to be welcomed into a peaceful world of dreams.

----A/N Ohh! Hunter's got a girlfriend! Drama, drama, drama... I don't know when I'll update again, but maybe sometime during the week.----


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