18. You Must Have Been A Monster

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"Have you ever been to one of Goode's basketball games before?" Percy asked me as we walked hand in hand to his car. He's been driving me to and from school since we've gotten together. We were about to pick up the kids from school.

He put his arm around my shoulders and I held his hand from there. It was very comfortable while most people make it seem like they are sinking under the weight of their partner. But we walked the same left-right pattern and pace. There was no bumping into one another or toe stepping at all.

However, I did feel uncomfortable underneath all of the staring from other students who were also walking out the front doors but I tried to ignore them.

"No," I shook my head. "I had never been all that into school spirit since I've always been ready to leave Goode. Why?"

He opened the passenger seat door for me and I slid in, placing my bag in the backseat. He quickly walked over to the other side of the car. "Well, two things. This Friday is the first Friday for Senior's Month."

Senior's Month was like the rising action of Senior Year. Every May is Senior's Month to represent the last full month of classes we have in high school. It's like an extended Spirit Week. Every Friday is a different category. Plus, whoever is voted total best dressed in each category at the end of the month becomes a nominee for Prom King and Queen. This Friday was the first day of May and will also be School Color's Day: Blue and White.

"Yeah, I remember." I replied.

Percy pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. "Friday is also the last game of the season. Our school is lucky that State Championship is on our home court. So, I was hoping that you would wear my varsity jacket for both benefits. School Colors Day and the game. Plus it would be nice to have a good luck charm there."

I had seen guys on the teams in Goode give their jackets to their girlfriends all the time and I never expected myself to be asked. The question made me pause in surprise, but it made me seem hesitant.

"You want me to wear your jacket and go to the game, in that same jacket?"

Percy shrugged, turning on the radio. "That is if you want to," then his mouth quirked up, "But it helps your decision, I really want you to go."

I smiled shyly, "Okay. I'll go. Just don't expect me to scream or anything. The last time I went Thalia took away my phone to keep me off of iBooks. But, I'll pay attention just for you."

He chuckled, "You're such a bookworm."

"Well, you call me Wise Girl for a reason." I replied smartly. "So what was your second question?"

"Will you be my date to Leo and the Stoll's afterparty? After the game I can take you home and then pick you up at ten?"

Leo Valdez and The Stoll Brothers are notorious for their school parties. It's the type of party where every teenager wants to experience and the type of party parents prevent their children from going to. It's the type of party that contains alcohol only and thankfully no drugs. It's the type of party where you have to be friends with the host to use a bedroom. It's the type of party where any student of Goode invited is free and the VIP section is for the ones on any Goode sports team including their dates. Any outsider of Goode or anyone uninvited has to pay to get in. It was also a dress to impress event, so if you don't look up to par, you get kicked out.

It's obvious that Leo and the Stolls have time on their hands to set the whole thing up. The party was in the basement of the Valdez auto-shop and the available bedrooms are two floors above it. I heard Leo's mother doesn't stay home on Friday nights so I assume that's how she's okay with it all or maybe she just doesn't know.

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