Chapter 42

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Marcie was inspecting some nails the blacksmith had brought out for her. She inspected Smithy's wares, because he always tried to sell her shoddy or half made goods.

The man himself stood brooding in the corner.

She placed another brittle nail on the work bench when Merrick came sprinting through the door,

"Marcie!" he gasped, panting for breath, "Come quick you'll never guess who's here!"

"What do you mean 'whos here" she asked, holding up another nail to the light.


"Traders in winter? Don't be silly man"

"No really, they're Daygons"

Marcie froze, what on earth were Daygons doing in the village? And in the dead of winter! The forest was impassable at this time so how?

"Where did you see them?" Smithy asked, his interest peaked,

"South entrance, by the Hunters houses"

Marcie suddenly had a terrible thought,

"Merrick, did you tell anyone else what you saw?" she asked,

He flushed, "Well...I was with Ryna when I saw them" he looked down at his feet,

Marcie ignored his discomfort, there were more important things to think about,

"Did Ryna tell anyone"

"Well, of course shes telling everyone, Roor needs to be notified" he said, still avoiding her eyes,

"Goddesses tits!" Marcie cried, she threw down the nails and ran out of the shop,

"What is it?" Merrick asked as he struggled to keep up with her,

"All they talk about is the war! Idiots will probably start a fight! On neutral ground!"

"What...are you talking about" Merrick said before he had to stop and bend double to get his breath back.

Marcie carried on without him, her legs pounded upon the icy ground.

She arrived at the Hunters homes and did not need to search very far to find the second group of strangers to breach the villages protection within only a few months.

A small group of people was gathered around three majestic horses.

Easily larger than Aldren's beasts, they were the purest white, seeming to glow their coats were so brilliant, the riders wore no saddle or stirrups, but sat upon their bare back, a single piece of fine gold lace around their necks with which the riders held.

Upon the horses sat two men and one woman, or at least, they appeared to be. All three of them were indescribably beautiful. Their skin nearly matched the horses in purity, although not so pale it contrasted greatly with their hair which was the darkest black Marcie had ever seen.

Dara's scales were shiny black and reflected what ever light was available,which was why she gave him his name. These beings, their hair appeared to swallow the light. The woman's hair was cut short while the men's hair was long and trailed down their backs

Their faces varied but all were long and expressionless, their irises were all black, to match their hair and they wore warpaint. The woman had black painted around her eyes that appeared to be dripping down her cheeks, while both of the men sported a large hand print in bright red upon the left side of their face.

Despite the cold they wore only the most basic of clothing. Black dyed leather in simple vests that left their arms bare and tight fitted trousers with knee high boots. They all sported a few leather bands up their arms with brightly coloured feathers.

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