Mishaps - Scott McCall

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It was a cool Wednesday afternoon. I was sitting on the bleachers in front of the lacrosse field enjoying some well deserved peace and quiet during my free period.
Adjusting the scarf, I buried my head back into one of my favorite books. The characters were just about to fight some villian when I heard a loud ruckus of boys, making my head snap up from the open page.
I watched as the maroon jerseys pooled out from the locker room and onto the field. Shit. I forgot lacrosse practice was today.
I scanned through the crowd until I landed on a perfect set of brown orbs. I smiled shyly, noticing the black headed boy looking my way, before turning back to the book.
The plot was just getting interesting before I heard a chorus of yells from the guys in front of me. Thinking it was just them playing a game I continue reading, until I felt something hard fly straight to my head.
"Hello?" I heard a voice say as I regained consciousness.
Opening my eyes, I was met with the same brown ones from earlier.
"Hey," the boy said, noticing I was awake, " are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I groaned, looking around to see the whole lacrosse team staring at me, "what happened?"
"Stiles over there threw the ball too hard causing this guy to miss it," he said motioning to the freshman beside him, "and hit you in the head."
"Oh," I mumbled, climbing up from my seat.
"Do you need help going to the nurses office?" The boy asked, consern ridden his face.
"I think I'll be fine," I smiled, "thank you."
I started to walk away before I heard someone yell after me, followed by loud footsteps.
"Sorry I didnt catch your name," the boy smiled at me.
"Y/N," I smiled holding out my hand.
"Scott," he mumbled before shaking my hand and walking back to practice, "I'll see you around?"
"Definitely," I whispered before walking back to the school.

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