Ignored - Whole Pack [requested]

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"Hey guys," I waved towards Stiles, Scott, Kira, Lydia and Malia as I walked passed them, making my way to my locker.
Scott and Stiles looked up and groaned before turning back to the girls. They hadn't really acknowledged my presence either.
With a skaky breath I hurriedly walked passed them, tears threatening to fall.
This hadn't been the first time that the group blew me off. Every day I was completely ignored by them. And it wasn't just their group either, everyone does it.
I don't have many friends, I'm lucky to even have one. I try, by god I try to make friends with people but no one wants anything to do with me. That's okay though, I really wouldn't want me either.
It was free period. My favorite period of the day, and I had set out on walking to the bleachers to study. No one ever goes out there to study so it's just me and my notes.
I had just started studying from my History textbook when I heard a loud ruccus coming from the locker rooms.
Must be lacrosse practice.
I watched as the team piled onto the field and started practicing.
Looking over to one side of the bleachers, I noticed Lydia and Malia walking towards it. I smiled softly, giving a small wave.
"Oh my god Y/N, get lost!" Malia yelled from where she was, "you have got to be the most annoying him I have met I Beacon Hills. No wonder you don't have any friends."
As the words left her mouth I got up and ran, tears spilling from my eyes. I ran until I stumbled upon a vacant classroom, running inside and closing the door. I sunk under the desk and cried.
"Y/N?" I heard a voice say.
I tried staying quiet but my sniffles gave me away.
"Are you okay?" The voice said before appearing in front of me. Scott.
"Why now? Why do you care now?" I whimpered.
"What do you mean?" Scott questioned.
"Everyday I try and say hello but you, as well as your friends, always blow me off or make some stupid excuse," I cried, "is there something wrong with me?"
"There's nothing wrong wi-"
"Then why did Malia call the 'most annoying human in Beacon Hills'" I huffed, "all I wanted was a friend."
"There is nothing wrong with you, we were all just annoyed at how persistent you are."
"Great, thanks," I mumbled.
"Look, I'm sorry for how we've been acting, seeing you run off like that made me feel guilty," Scott said looking down, "if you still want to, do you maybe wanna start out fresh, as friends?"
I looked up surprised.
"Are you serious?"
"Deadly. Friends?" Scott smiled holding out his hand.
"Friends," I smiled as he helped me up.

This was a crap one I'm so sorry, hopefully you like it xx

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