Self Defense - Stiles Stilinski

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Stiles sat at the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. The same scene replaying over and over in is mind.
He had just come home from the school library where he had accidently killed Donovan. Stiles knew what he did was wrong, but what else was he supposed to do? It was simply self defense.
Sweat started to drip from his forehead as he rocked back and forth muttering "it was self defense"
"It was just self defense, I didn't mean to kill him."
"Stiles?" Y/N called from the doorway, "you wanted to talk to me?"
"Uh, yeah, hi Y/N," Stiles muttered quickly, snapping out of his thoughts.
"What's wrong?" She asked taking slow footsteps towards the boy.
"You love me right?" Stiles said, lifting his head to look at her eyes.
"Of course I do Stiles-"
"And nothing would ever change that, right?"
She paused for a moment, confused as to why Stiles would be asking her this after all they've been through together. She had been with him since the beginning of all this supernatural crap.
"Right?" Stiles repeated, anxiously waiting for a reply.
"Of course not Stiles, I love you and nothing is going to change that ever. You hear me?"
Y/N was now sat next to Stiles
"Alright, I'm not going to sell you any bullshit so here it goes," he sighed before continuing, " I killed Donovan."
"Stiles-" Y/N replied, panic lighting her face.
"I didn't mean to kill him, he threatened to kill my father, what the hell was I supposed to do," tears spilled down Stiles' face as he told Y/N everything.
"Oh Stiles," she hugged him tight as tears started to well in her eyes.
"I'm sorry," Stiles sobbed into her shoulder, "are you going to leave me?"
"Don't be ridiculous Stiles, if I can handle Void you, I can handle this now. You didn't mean to kill the kid, you said so yourself. If you hadn't have killed him, a lot more people could have potentially died," Y/N tried soothing the broken boy.
"But what's Scott going to think?" Stiles said quietly, looking up at Y/N with his red brimmed eyes.
"Don't worry about that now I'm sure it'll be fine, let's just try to get some rest you've had a long night," Y/N said, moving both their bodies to a somewhat reasonable sleeping position on Stiles' bed.
"Thank you," Stiles whispered quietly as he buried himself close to Y/N and tried to get se rest.

A/N I'm sorry this is horrible

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