Babe? - Theo Raeken

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"Stiles, what are we doing?" I asked as Stiles, Liam and I walked through the woods. Stiles had dragged both Liam and I out to the woods to "spy on the new guy". I didn't even know who the new guy was, well at least I thought I didn't know him.
"Can you smell anything?" Stiles asked quietly from his position behind the tree, Liam and I stood behind him.
"Soap?" Liam answered, unsure of what Stiles wanted to hear.
"Come on, can't you smell anything else?" Stiles asked frantically.
"He wears nice cologne," I perked up. Stiles gave us a weird look.
"Seriously you guys?" Stiles said shaking his head, "I'm trying to be serious here."
"Fine, I'll go see for myself," I huffed before stepping out from the tree.
"No, Y/N," Stiles whisper-yelled as I walked out.
"I don't think thats-" Liam started saying before I tripped, causing the mysterious guy to turn around.
"Babe?" I heard a familiar voice ask as I looked up from my place on the ground.
"Theo?" I asked confused as I finally got a look at his face, "what are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," he smirked before walking over and helping me up.
"Babe?" Stiles asked, confusion highlighting his face, "do you two know each other?"
"Uh yeah, he's my boyfriend," I answered as Theo wrapped an arm around me.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Liam asked equally as confused.
"If I knew who the both of you were talking about, I could have," I chuckled.
"I don't like this," Stiles muttered, turning away.
"You don't have to, its not going to make a difference," I smirked as Theo smiled down at me.
"Okay, okay no more secrets," Stiles replied, scrunching up his nose in the process.
"Fine, no more secrets," I answered, before ending a wink towards Theo as he smirked down at me.

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