28. the punch

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So, as you can probably tell by the title of this chapter, somebody 'gon get hit. Who do you think that it is? *insert every single one of my readers praying that it's Leah*


sachiowrites ; bellabae14 ; Allegra_Bisscotti ; thatclovelydisnerd ; squishyfishies (kween) ; NearTheLimit13 ; 31cora ; EllaJosephine ; angelarose_612 ; unisydney ; MidnightXplosion ; TheBriggs ; _heyorhi ; weaponofmsscreation ; PopularlyUnpopular ; wifi_hogger ; mikaxoxo02 ; rewrite ; CamilaVanilla26 ; kmrfashionista ; veronicatur ; amandaviser ; Luckybelle0203 ; Songbook22 ; CaliforniaaDreamer ; PercyJacksonFangirl2 ; bironically ; ohwhale101

Super long update for a super long wait. I hope that you guys enjoy!


Champagne tasted of rubies and the breath of comets, and I loved it. I'd asked for a bottle to be brought to my room, and as soon as I saw it leaning against the bed, every single regret slipped between my fingers. I'd only had champagne on three previous occasions- last New Year's (my mother had allowed me a single sip, and later that night I poured myself a glass in secret), on the following Fourth of July, and on Ashley's seventeenth birthday.

"Champagne?" I raised my head- a young man with eyes of steel was leaning against my door-frame. "Bit young to be drinking champagne by yourself, aren't you, wimp?"

I rolled my eyes. "By yourself. Yeah, I know what that means." Thankfully, the servants had left me with two glasses instead of one. "Come and get it."

Jim stepped into the room. "Who said that I was asking to share with you?"

"That tone of voice did." I lifted the bottle and filled the empty glass with liquid stardust. "Don't worry- I'm a very charitable person."

"Sure as hell don't seem like one."

The glass hovered two inches from his grasp- I yanked it backwards. "You know, you can leave."

"Sorry," he apologized, to which I narrowed my eyes and handed the glass over. He lifted it to his mouth, taking a few lengthy sips.


"Kinda." He sat down on the bed beside me. "You ready?"

"For what?"

"Your meeting with Yen Sid. He's coming to meet with you tomorrow, isn't he?"

Stray memories interlocked with each other- Yen Sid, that sorcerer guy. I was supposed to meet him tomorrow afternoon. "What am I even supposed to say?"

"Answer his questions. Smile. Be polite. You can be polite, can you? I don't think that I've ever seen that before-"

"Are you asking to be kicked out?"

"Sorry. Just... I don't know, be yourself."

I snorted. "Yeah, that may be the worst idea you've ever had. I'm not very popular with the really distinguished Disneyverse residents- Leah was at my throat in two seconds, you know."

"Leah," he said, "is just jealous. At least, that's my suspicion."

"Of who?"


"Me?" His words wrenched my throat open, creating a means of escape for a hoarse scoff. "And why would she be jealous of me?"

"Because. You're energetic, and pretty, and you're intertwined in this huge prophecy- I think that she's jealous that they've found someone who may be more important than her. You're talented, too-"

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