Chapter 4

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A/N : Im trying not to loose interest in Yandere Simulator, because you guys seem to love this book. Ill try and update this more. Ive watched more videos by other Youtubers like AzzMan, Pewdiepie and the developer Yandere Dev. So yeah here it is.

I gained alot of the girls trust, by complimenting them and the boys.
Ill get Senpai before the start of the holidays! Before any of the losers get to him.

Today was time for the first murder.

I wanted to take it slowly. I looked around for my arch enemy, who I call 'Purple hair girl'. She thinks I like her.
I asked her, "Hey can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Sure, what about?"
"Could you do me a favor?"
"Follow me, I want to show you something cool!"
"Okay! Lead the way."
I made my way to the gymnasium, through the doors and into the closet, with my victim.
"Why are we here, what's the something 'cool' Im going to see?"
"Right here." I sniggered. Bringing out my syringe and digging it sharply into her arm, causing her to fall flat into a deep sleep lasting for 2 days straight.
I carefully fold up my victim and place her in the box. I giggle and then head to my gym class.

It was finally the end of the day, I'm a faster running now. :D.
I found a Katana lying on the ground, I lost my syringe somewhere.
I found the red head who was flirting with Senpai. "Lets do it the fun way." I whispered to myself.
We seemed to be alone.
But I was wrong. As I stabbed the girls back to the floor, one of the teachers pets saw, and ran straight away to tell. I had to hurry up.
I dragged the dead body over to the furnace and chucked her in. I through in my weapon and found a spare uniform, propped it on and burnt my old one in the furnace, quickly I mopped up the blood, washed the broom and dropped it. Quickly I ran over to the furnace and activated it, and pretended to be casually leaving the school for the day. The teacher trailed out behind the student puzzled. "Don't joke, If you do that again I will give you double detention, understand?" the teacher said strictly, relieved. "B..but! I saw it! I saw the student kill a student!"
"Stop dreaming!"
The teacher walked off. I looked at him, picked out my knife and started stroking it. the student ran back. The teacher, walked out as I walked out of the gates. I listened while giggling. "None! Double detention tomorrow, and get some rest in.. anyway! clear off. Its 5PM."
As the boy trailed out of the gates. "You scared for life? Tell anybody, same happens to you. watch out..."
"I won't! I promise!"
"Good, or else.."
He rushed off the other day, as I waited for Senpai and watched him walk home delightedly. Maybe I might win him!

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