'SENPAI' Sequel

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I'm going to start calling Chan by her real name now.

Ayano Aishi's POV

My eyes opened. Wait.. what? I thought I was dead. "Hello Ayano." Said a woman. I sat up. "W..Who are you?" I asked. "Fu fu fu! You're sure funny Ayano. I'm your mum!" She smiled. "M..Mum! were you that demon I talked to in the demon world a few weeks ago?" I asked curiously. "Yes of course!" She smiled "Thanks to you we've had so many other people come in to the demonic world for their sins."

"Really?" I asked smiling. "Really! You have been a big help so thankyou Ayano." She smiled. "What do you want to do, Look at your demon self, look at what has happened at school or see the other newcomers?" She asked. "I would love to see what has happened at school!" I exclaimed. "Follow me then." I followed my mum into this big.. not room but like a room which looked like the occult club but it wasn't.

"Here have fun, nobody can see you but you can interfere and creepy fellow students out so go and stand by your body or something." Mum exclaimed. "Thanks so much!" I hugged her. "Ive missed you."

I walked downstairs and ran to our bodies, I felt like I hadn't been killed. I would of been happy to live if Senpai didn't cheat on me..

I checked the time on my watch on my dead body, 6.30PM. Yay. I get to see the teachers reaction. I looked at myself. I looked so un expressionless. All of a sudden I could see a ghostly figure walk towards me. "Ayano.." It said. "Who are you?" I asked giving him a disgusted look. "I'm horribly sorry I cheated on you, I cant believe how much it meant to you." He confessed. "Oh.. its alright Senpai. B..but aren't you mad at me for insanely murdering you?" I asked. "Not really.. I knew I would be sent here one day. When I lived I had cost a lot of sins. Since I was murdered ive been thinking about these mysterious murders.. it was you wasn't it? Fighting for me." He asked. "You finally understand, that are what yandere's are for." I sighed happily. "Ohh.. I wished I confessed to you earlier.." I sobbed. "Me too" Senpai agreed.

"Look at you, beautiful scared face.. It's heartbreaking to see you like that." I cried. "AYANO." Senpai shouted. "You're becoming the opposite to a demon. Your becoming a normal person. You need revenge. All of those bitches who didn't let you into their gangs." He said. "Revenge..? REVENGE. I'm thirsty for it. We need to beat up Osana's corpse" I smiled. Suddenly me and Senpai were blinded by light.

"Hello.. Devils." A feminine voice boomed. "Osana? Is that you?" I asked. "Hi, nice to meet you bitch, you had to end my precious life. W..wait is that my senpai?!" She asked. "Hi Osana." He said scratching his head. "Why aren't you with the angels?" She asked "Ive been waiting for ever for you to arrive." She demanded. "I'm evil.. I'm a physco killer like Ayano." He looked down. "Yeah you should feel so bad." Osana agreed. "No Osana, you're the bitch. I'm not going on the angels side, I need revenge. We are ruining the students lives, you go and fuck yourself. Nobody's lives here are going to be happy." He cursed. We all sat down arguing until we saw a teacher come over. "Oh my god! Its what I thought it was!" She screamed. All of the school teachers ran over, the languages teacher, maths, English, PE and loads more. They started crying.  My favourite teacher, the PE teacher picked up my phone. "Here's a phone Mr Principal. He strolled over and took the phone and logged on, luckily I removed the passcode. It came up with the picture collage. He dropped the phone and pointed to my corpse. "Horrible, Disgusting girl!" He screamed. "SHE IS THE MURDERER!"

"Hello." I said. "Who just said hello?" The pe teacher said. "Hi, my names Ayano Aishi, one of the students from your school currently lying on the floor dead." I explained laughing. "Who is doing that?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "Its really me. I murdered the two students. Osana was evil so was Senpai. we're just battling it out in heaven." I smiled. "You're not real! If you are, make that tree knock down the school fence." She demanded. "That will be hard." I said. "Just concentrate hard, close your eyes." Senpai whispered. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, I just thought about the tree bashing the fence. BANG! "WOAH WOAH!" They all gasped. I jumped with a jolt. It worked. "IM SORRY PLEASE DONT KILL ME!" She begged. "I wont, ill get revenge. Everyone at this school hated me, except from Pippi,  make Pippi the top of everything, obey her. NOW!" I ordered. "How about if we don't?" Asked the head master. "This will happen." I smiled and concentrated on a floating knife stabbing the maths teacher, and continuously stab her until she was dead. I opened my eyes and everyone was gobbedsmacked. "We will do as you say.." Stuttered the head master. "Goodbye." I waved. Senpai gave me a kiss. We can finally be the couple you always wanted us to be, but better!

I smiled at him, he stroked my cheek. "Your demon self is beautiful." He sighed, flirting with me. I blushed. "Hello son" Came a voice. We looked up. It was the flame demon. "I see you've hooked up with Ayano." He smiled. "Yes father, isn't she beautiful." He blushed. I smiled. "You sure are. And well done Ayano. You have wielded my power." He said doing a giving hang gesture out at me. All of a sudden a very big power ball rose inside me. I hugged him and then Senpai. "Thankyou so much! I've always wanted to be here. Now to get revenge." I laughed. "Way to go!" He exclaimed. I looked at Senpai, he looked back at me. And we joined hands and ran off into the school grounds. It was beautiful.

Hey guys! Please tell me if you're liking this or not. I hope your excited for the sequel, because I sure am! Have a good day, and goodbye!

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