Chapter 8 The Killing Spree

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A/N: Hope this chapter pleases you!
Yandere's POV

I woke up all of a sudden with excitement. "Omg! Yes I'm so excited, I need to get ready! I will be first!" I exclaimed squealing.

I chucked on my clothes and ran down stairs and collected my breakfast and decided to go and sit down in the basement and eat it and plan some of my evil scheme's. After that I set off on the long journey to school, I decided to run this morning to get 2% of the excitement out of me.Finally I arrived at school and slowly walked down to the lockers. Nobody was here yet, except for Osana. Darn! I swear she stays at school all night!It started to rain, luckily I ran so I got to school in time. One of the teachers saw me, "Just beat it Chan heh?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. It was my Geography teacher, Miss Lan. "Yeah, I ran because I saw it on the forecast." I explained.                      "Good job, we'll be the only dry ones in class today!" She exclaimed as she walked away.                         "Yay!" I cheered sarcastically and carried on rummaging through my locker."Hey!" A voice came from behind me, I turned around and saw Saki Miyu waving at me. "Oh hai" I smiled and turned back. "So, how was your evening?" She asked pleasantly. "Normal, read half a manga book and played some video games." I said."Cool, can I come over yours tonight?" She asked. This was a good offer, a great time to get into her head. "Sorry I'm busy, I've got homework. Maybe some other time." I groaned. "Oh, shame." She sighed. "Can I sit with you in Science then?" She asked excited. "Sure." I agreed shutting my locker and started to walk off to the computer lab with Saki following. "Where are we going?" She asked.      "To the computer lab." I said smirking unseen. "Oh sh*t! I forgot to meet Lemon at the Café!"( Yellow haired side ponytailed girl )  She said pretending to be annoyed. "Got to go bye!" She waved running off. Yes! I got her off my hands, She hates computers.I headed back downstairs unnoticed by Saki Miyu and snuck off to the Nurse's Office. I poked my head around the corner. The nurse wasn't in there, this was my chance to sneak in, so I did. I hid my knife in here yesterday night. I found it and the corner of one of the beds. I snuck out and closed the doors making sure the knife was hidden.I ran to the computer labs and closed the door behind me, the music from the computer's was really loud so no teacher's could hear the lovely screams.I snuck up behind Jad ( The guy who Pippy has a crush on ) and was about to stab him through the neck I stopped, and looked at the knife....Let's de-capitate him! I held my knife beside his neck without him noticing and sliced it through. All I heard was a tiny gasp.Next was Pip, who didn't notice either. But I wanted her too. Twitching a tich I walked up behind the computer chair she was sitting on and twizzeled it  over to Jad. "OH MY GOD!? IS THAT A D-"The screamed shocked. "Sorry for interrupting you Pip" I laughed uncontrollably.2 down! I cheered.I went downstairs forgetting about the blood on my uniform...."Is that blood? Have you hurt someone?" People asked, I just replied "No, I spilt red paint on myself in Art, no need to worry." I explained. "Oh I totally understand." They normally replied.I walked to the changing rooms, and I remembered that I bought another uniform just incase this happened, but I decided to change into my gym uniform. I took a knife, hid it and ran to the place by the lockers where people were hanging out.I brought it out, "Why are you carrying a knife around with you, that's a bit dangerous. Don't you think?" They all asked. "It's for my lunch." I said smirking.I walked behind Medusa, as I call her aka green haired girl, I don't actually know her name. I stabbed her in the back and she fell to the floor, in the circle I managed to stab Medusa, Sadness (Blue haired girl) and the other green haired girl on the roof. I ran to the changing rooms and got changed into my spare uniform after bathing.I smirked as I walked into class after. Today's a good day.
"Hello class!" Welcomed the teacher "This is disappointing for you but you will be staying in school for three more weeks because of how many times I've been sick." She explained. Everybody groaned, but not me! I had more time to murder students! "So today I am going to let you study either Biology, Physical Education, Phycology, Chemistry and Languages. Once you've chose something you cannot change, please go to the gym for Physical Education. Do not get change yet. You may go." She explained. All the students dragged their selfs to their areas for today.  I studied Biology and Chemistry, because I know Kokona has sushi every Wednesday so I could study Chemistry to learn how to assemble poison.I studied Biology because I can learn how to get into people's heads and control them. My new plan for next week is exactly that!I actually learnt quite a lot this lesson."Okay class, you are dismissed!" She said at the end."That felt like 3 minutes!" I sighed."Chan can you stay behind." The teacher asked. I sat back down as she walked over to me and studied me."You've done surprisingly well this lesson, well done." She smiled.She sat down on the desk next to me. "Apparently you were the last one to be seen in the computer room by Saki Miyu, did you witness anything happening to Pip and Jad?" She asked."No when I walked in there they were still on their computers, I talked to Pip for a few minutes and then went out, and as I walked out I saw Lemon walk in." I explained. "Oh, well Lemon's dead too, It could've been someone else. But then she could of taken suicide." They teacher sighed. "Thanks for you're help Chan." She smiled. "Yandere it is." I reminded her. "Yandere, that was helpful. Dismissed." She said.I walked out of class relieved, and skipped home happily... for today. Friday tomorrow!I have to whole weekend to plan out next weeks evil scheme!

A/N : More than 1K words, I hope this brightened your day because this took me about an hour including my tea, but anyway I'm going to do homework now! Stay awesome guys! Bye!

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