Chapter 13 Tingiling Nerves

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As I walked out of the occult club I felt my throat go dry. I've learned another emotion, sadness.

I tightened my grip on the ritual knife, and carried on walking. Looking around carefully making sure nobody was around who I had to kill, I was insane, sad, covered in blood and holding a bloody knife as well as sneaking around. I turned the corner and saw a clock, luckily it was classtime. I felt a bit safer now. I ran out of the school into the locker rooms and bathed myself clean, followed by wearing my gym uniform. "Wait.." I muttered to myself "If I'm wearing my gym uniform, Isn't that a bit suspicious?" I sat there thinking for a few minutes. Ta da! I wrapped up the ritual knife up in the bloody uniform ( I have loads spare at home ) I ran off to the incinerator, luckily it was classtime so the delinquents weren't there. I walked into the area and put the stuff in the furnace. And activated it.

I checked the time, 15 minutes into lesson time. I ran to the art club and quickly joined the club. The art leader was still in there for some reason. I guess she's too smart.. I don't know..

I skipped to my class but acted serious when I walked in. "CHAN! YOUR 25 MINUTES LATE! HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed "Why must you be late on the test?" She asked calming down. "I had a spillage so I had to change, I joined the art club today." I lied. "Oh okay, fair enough. Be more careful next time. Next lesson if you have not finished the test you can do it then." She replied. At least I didn't get a detention, and luckily no art members were in my class. I'm the most creative..

I was playing with my pencil ignoring everything around me, Until I heard, "Okay class! We've got 20 minutes to learn about occult stuff, so lets head to the occult club. You asked for it so lets go!" She exclaimed. Oh shit.. well, Ill miss one period of school.

My class walked to the occult club. Miss opened the door, I could hardly control my excitement. I'm kinda bummed to miss what she was going to teach us, probably 'scary' stories about ghosts and demons. As she opened the door her face turned to horror. "Okay, Saki Miyu smash the fire alarm button please, and the res-" She said getting cut off. "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" All the doors around us opened with students flowing out of them. "GO TO THE RUNNING COURT" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Everyone seemed confused.

About an hour of sitting around outside the headmaster came out and explained what had happened with the murder, and that we could go home early. "But I would like to speak to one student, only a few questions not anything bad" I gulped. That means it's going to be bad. "Yandere Chan please stay behind." To make it look like it had nothing to do with me I pretended to look really confused.

Once everyone had gone the headmaster walked over to me. "Hello Chan, the faculty and me are not blaming you what so ever." I exhaled. "But I thought you were the leader of the occult club, and you weren't absent today. do you know what happened?" She asked. "I've left the occult club. I agreed to leave it last night after I heard about the murder. I told the members this morning and went to join the art club." I explained. She looked horrified. "Sorry.. I just don't know what I've done wrong as a headmaster, since yesterday 25 students have left. Now I'm probably going to get another 60 emails of students leaving." She sobbed. "I'm sure we'll find the killer soon. I'm sure of it. Have you found any weapons?" I asked. "Well, the police and detectives are on the way. but we have notice the ritual knife has gone" She explained "And all the students had slit open necks, and one of them had loads of stab wounds, so if we suspect anyone its the student with the stab wounds. Anyway, thanks for your help. Please escort yourself out the school as this is now a crime scene. School is still open tomorrow, but thoroughly guarded with police and we're installing security camera's in summer. But they're taking forever to arrive." She explained. "Okay, thanks miss. See you tomorrow." I waved and walked off. "Goodbye Chan" She replied walking back into the school.

I saw Senpai at his locker. I followed him to his house to make sure he's safe, then carried onto mine.

Night, Night Senpai!

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that chapter of 'SENPAI' the greatest Yandere Simulator fanfiction. (No joking) So I just wanted to ask you guys an important question.


How long do you want this book to go on for? I can make it a story and make it go on for a couple of more chapters then have a mysterious ending, then the next book can be like the story for all of the ways Yandere Chan can kill people. Or just carry it on with different ways to kill people. I will keep the next story in this particular book though, its just easier xD

Anyway "Thanks for following the development of Yandere Simulator" Fanfiction 'Senpai' Goodbye!! xx

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